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Hours: 13237.74

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Budbux - Android 08/01/2019 Anonymous Support Task #1543: Bug Fixes BudBux Camera Issue Support 3.95
Budbux - iOS 08/01/2019 Anonymous Development Task #1546: App restriction to various states Location permission asked to user and redirect to no location screen if permission denied. Location permission is made must inorder to use the full functionality of the app. 3.00
Budbux - iOS 08/01/2019 Anonymous Research Task #1546: App restriction to various states Research on geo blocking and core location 3.00
ThinkCulinary-Android 07/31/2019 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #1538: API Integration Think Culinary Category and Login API Integration 6.40
Open Seed - Android 07/31/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Openseed fixes review for lightscript and play/pause track, And apk sent in email 3.50
Budbux - Android 07/31/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Analysis Task #745: Budbux QA Testing Overall features review for the release 2.25
Budbux - Android 07/31/2019 Anonymous Development Task #1543: Bug Fixes BudBux Camera Issue 4.43
Open Seed - Android 07/31/2019 Anonymous Development Task #799: Bug Fixes Open Seed Bug Fixes - Release 3.30
EeposIT Corporate Website 07/31/2019 Priyanka Bhandari Design Task #1540: Corgi PPT Design Added Animations 7.00
BudBux-Backend 07/31/2019 Sudeep Shakya Support Task #1432: Support and some fixes. 7.00
Budbux - Android 07/31/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #745: Budbux QA Testing budbux android design testing and testing on android 5.1 4.00
Open Seed Design 07/31/2019 Nitesh Kafle Design Task #730: Design admin panel ; experiences assigned to peops dropdown and disscussion. 3.00
Budbux - Android 07/31/2019 Anonymous Development Task #1032: Design fixes bug fixes 3.00
Budbux - Android 07/30/2019 Anonymous Design Task #1032: Design fixes ui design fixes 7.00
ThinkCulinary-Android 07/30/2019 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #1538: API Integration Think Culinary Login API Integration 1.07
ThinkCulinary-Android 07/30/2019 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #1538: API Integration Think Culinary API Integration Setup 5.32
Budbux - Android 07/30/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Analysis Task #745: Budbux QA Testing Overall features review and analyze in fresh data. 5.00
EeposIT Corporate Website 07/30/2019 Priyanka Bhandari Design Task #1540: Corgi PPT Design Designed slides 1-12 6.50
Open Seed - Android 07/30/2019 Anonymous Development Task #799: Bug Fixes Open Seed Light Fixes 7.08
Budbux - iOS 07/30/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #1061: Budbux iOS QA Budbux ios testing 1.50
Budbux - Android 07/30/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #745: Budbux QA Testing budbux UI fixes and general check 5.50
BudBux-Backend 07/30/2019 Sudeep Shakya Support Task #1310: Support. 7.00
EeposIT Corporate Website 07/29/2019 Priyanka Bhandari Design Task #1540: Corgi PPT Design Designed PPT screens 4.50
Budbux - iOS 07/29/2019 Anonymous Release Management Task #1534: Appstore Release Version 1 Budbux bug fixes and appstore release 2.00
Budbux - iOS 07/29/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Analysis Task #1061: Budbux iOS QA Budbux overall features review and test on fresh data and review overall for release to store 4.50
(2401-2425/3687) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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