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Hours: 13237.74

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Appyhere 08/12/2021 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #2643: AppyHere Recruiter: App APPY-4679-GroupEventNofication, Wrote test case for Notification Screen listing group event. 3.00
Appyhere 08/12/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Documentation Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Analysed the seeker app along with the code to figure out wether its using firebase or API for different tasks. Made documentation. 3.00
Appyhere 08/12/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Setup seeker app in local machine to figure out wether its using firestore or API to perform certain tasks. 3.00
Appyhere 08/12/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Work on contact info and thank you page of JOB APPLY 7.00
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #2643: AppyHere Recruiter: App APPY-4679-GroupEventNofication, Navigated to GroupEventDetail from the screen. Updated design to differentiate from old to new notification screen. 7.00
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended sprint demo meeting 1.00
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Analysis Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Analysed the code to figure out how the testing environment can be improved, as we are facing difficulties running multiple backend tests at once. 1.50
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Create public api to fetch industries, jobs and occupations and deployed to dev. 1.50
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Analysis Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Analysed the code to know how the seeker/candidates are being registered. Meanwhile, opened PR for the groupevent date validation branch. 2.00
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Testing Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Tested groupevent reminders notifications, notification read api and all the things to open PR. 1.00
Appyhere 08/11/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB started working on steps component for Job APPLY 7.00
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #2643: AppyHere Recruiter: App APPY-4679-GroupEventNofication, Merged Group Event Notification with Appointment and Sorted by date. Designed List Item. 7.00
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended meeting with Pabin dai, Rakesh dai and Suraj dai for discussions about webapply and did some testing. 1.50
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Fix bug on groupevent validation logic. Update bundle id for groupevent related configs. Update tests accordingly. 1.00
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Created API to mark the groupevent related notifications as read. Wrote tests. 3.00
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Add groupevent information in the groupevent related notification documents. Update test accordingly. 1.00
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
Appyhere 08/10/2021 Rituza Shrestha Design Feature #2659: Web Apply Design for apply page - experience, contact, questions and design for authentication page - send code to number and add the code page 8.00
Appyhere 08/09/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Initialized web apply project for design task 7.00
Appyhere 08/09/2021 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #2643: AppyHere Recruiter: App APPY-4679-GroupEventNofication, Going through the current code for Notification Screen. Pulled Group Event Notification 4.00
Appyhere 08/09/2021 Ashutosh Shrestha Development Task #2644: AppyHere Seeker: App Did some research on how to update certificates and provisional profiles, Fastlane and Match 3.00
Appyhere 08/09/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Added validation to not let groupevent's datetime be less than current datetime. Wrote all the tests. 1.00
Appyhere 08/09/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Completed the task to send the groupevent reminder notifications to the web and devices. Wrote all the tests. 5.00
(151-175/3687) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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