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Hours: 1150.72

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
11/14/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Documentation Task #1040: Budbux QA updating the test case documents 4.00
11/13/2019 Suraj Manandhar Development Task #1754: Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS Adds feature of slider on IOS rebate detail page. 3.00
11/12/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #1040: Budbux QA budbux discussion with team and assigning the tasks. 5.00
11/12/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #1040: Budbux QA Discussion on New features estimation: Redemption limit, Rebate auto renew, Txn Hisotry (Superadmin) etc and 3.00
11/11/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #1040: Budbux QA budbux discussion with client and the team. Adding new changes and issues in spreadsheet 6.50
11/11/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Support Task #1040: Budbux QA On call with clients on issues discussions and fixes. (Web, Android, iOS) 3.50
11/08/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #1040: Budbux QA Discussion and review on the fixes of admin and superadmin panel 3.00
11/08/2019 Suraj Manandhar Development Task #1754: Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS Works on issues listed on QA xls 6.00
11/08/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #1040: Budbux QA budbux deployed changes testing 5.50
11/07/2019 Suraj Manandhar Development Task #1754: Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS 7.00
11/07/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Support Task #1040: Budbux QA Consultation and support on features to dos 2.00
11/06/2019 Suraj Manandhar Development Task #1754: Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS Fixes issues listed on QA xls list 5.00
11/06/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #1040: Budbux QA Discussion on Redemption limit, transaction tags, wallet charges, expired rebates show on/off etc and overall reviews from the clients tasks list 3.50
11/06/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #1040: Budbux QA budbux verifying changes and testing the fixed issues. Assigning other issues in back end 5.00
11/05/2019 Suraj Manandhar Development Task #1754: Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS Fixes issues mentioned in QA list. 4.00
11/05/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #1040: Budbux QA New features updates discussion and review 2.00
11/05/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #1040: Budbux QA budbux issues review and assigning it to developers 3.00
11/04/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #1040: Budbux QA Discussion on tasks remarks sent by client and further emailed 2.00
11/04/2019 Suraj Manandhar Development Task #1754: Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS When Super Admin is on the home page, not all companies are showing on panel. We would like all companies to be listed on one continuous scroll 2.00
11/04/2019 Suraj Manandhar Development Task #1754: Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS When Super Admin is on a companys specific page, the "All Rebates" drop down arrow is not working 2.00
11/01/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #1040: Budbux QA Review on issues further on category show on/off and further discussion 2.00
11/01/2019 Suraj Manandhar Support Task #1040: Budbux QA Support on fixing issues lisited on xls 6.00
10/31/2019 Suraj Manandhar Meeting Task #1040: Budbux QA Discussion on the clients issues and task list. Responded with the solutions in the doc. 4.00
10/31/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Support Task #1040: Budbux QA Discussion on the clients issues and task list. Responded with the solutions in the doc. 4.00
10/25/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #1040: Budbux QA Discussion and review on state,city issue fix. And latest test builds of iOS and android sent 2.00
(126-150/352) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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