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Hours: 717.50

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
09/21/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Researched and fixed Elastic Search Issue. 8.00
09/21/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 0.50
09/20/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Tried to fix elastic search issue. 1.00
09/20/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Started working on task to make video room type dynamic. 2.00
09/20/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Converted hoursBeforeGroupEventToAllowDeletion to minutes. Updated tests. 3.00
09/20/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
09/17/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Testing Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Looked into e2e tests to understand a little bit better how it's written. 1.00
09/17/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Started working on converting hour to minutes for group event delete config. Tests cases remaining. 2.00
09/17/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Updated API to add position to take isActive attribute for its questions. Updated tests. 2.00
09/17/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Completed adding isActive attribute in specific questions with tests. 1.00
09/17/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
09/16/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Started task to add isActive in questions. 1.00
09/16/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Analysis Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Analysed complete flow of E2E tests to locate error source and confirmed that the problem is in elasticsearch. 3.00
09/16/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
09/15/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend E2E tests were failing probably due to elastic search. Discussed with Pabin dai and tried various methods to fix it. Not fixed yet. 6.00
09/15/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Helped Atysh dai in testing. 1.00
09/15/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
09/13/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Research Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Researched about how to implement search feature in firestore. 2.00
09/13/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Tested interview ended notifications manually. 2.00
09/13/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Refactor position fetch APIs to make it more optimal. Update tests accordingly. 2.00
09/13/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
09/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Research Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Researched about how the filter can be implemented in firestore. 1.00
09/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Added pubsub function to run interview ended notification module. Wrote tests 3.00
09/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Added migration for config related to video interview ended notifications. Wrote tests. 2.00
09/10/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 1.00
(1-25/210) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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