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Hours: 13237.74

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Appyhere 08/05/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Coded groupevent time validation logic while creating/updating a group event. Wrote tests to cover every invalid date combination while creating/updating a groupevent. 2.50
Appyhere 08/05/2021 Prajwal Shrestha Meeting Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Attended DSM 0.50
Appyhere 08/05/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB completed test cases for expired text of past group event and added in translation files along with PR 2.00
Appyhere 08/05/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB added Expired text for past group events 2.00
Appyhere 08/05/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB completed test cases for mobile browser 2.00
Appyhere 08/05/2021 Atish Maharjan Meeting Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB DSM and Meeting 1.00
Appyhere 08/04/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on react quill focus on tab press issues 7.00
Appyhere 08/03/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB worked on given design and implementation of unsupport mobile browsers 7.00
Appyhere 08/02/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB solved join interview test cases issue of Join Interview button of Interview Alert and created PR 7.00
Appyhere 07/26/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB discussed and worked on issues of redirecting Route of Join Interview button 7.00
Appyhere 07/23/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB started working on redirect issue of Join Interview button of notification modal pop up 7.00
Appyhere 07/22/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB resolved test cases and skip tested and created PR ko meet API integration 7.00
Appyhere 07/21/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB discussed with Pabin dai and skipped resolved issue of meet API test cases 7.00
Appyhere 07/21/2021 Pabin Luitel Release Management Task #2651: AppyHere: FullStack Deployment services and web recruiter, Discussions 7.00
Appyhere 07/20/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on featured toggle of Group Events test cases 7.00
Appyhere 07/20/2021 Pabin Luitel Release Management Task #2651: AppyHere: FullStack Release Note preparation, discussions 7.00
Appyhere 07/19/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on featured toggle of Group Events 7.00
Appyhere 07/19/2021 Pabin Luitel Testing Task #2651: AppyHere: FullStack PR reviews, Testing, Merging 7.00
Appyhere 07/16/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on store issue in test cases of API integration meet 7.00
Appyhere 07/16/2021 Pabin Luitel Testing Task #2651: AppyHere: FullStack PR reviews and merging, Testing 7.00
Appyhere 07/15/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on Group Event sorting and and showing all groupt events in day view calendar issue 7.00
Appyhere 07/15/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2651: AppyHere: FullStack worked on test cases for multiple booking feature backend and web 7.00
Appyhere 07/14/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on test cases of API integration meet request 7.00
Appyhere 07/14/2021 Pabin Luitel Analysis Task #2651: AppyHere: FullStack PR reviews, and discussions 7.00
Appyhere 07/13/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Continued working on meet request API integration meet request 7.00
(201-225/3687) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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