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Hours: 13237.74

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
Appyhere 04/06/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Analysis Task #2642: Appyhere QA DSM. Discussion with the team on multiple tap issue on candidate audit and review on crash issue on candidate tapping. 7.00
Appyhere 04/06/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB continued working on uncovered lines of test cases of availability 7.00
Appyhere 04/06/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend Worked on group event invitation accept and decline API - routes, controller, register in contract and services part 7.00
Appyhere 04/05/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #2642: Appyhere QA Regular dsm. Tesing and review on multiple tap issue on candidate audit 7.00
Appyhere 04/05/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB worked on issue of test cases in availability 7.00
Appyhere 04/05/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend debug test issue in services and in mobile apps 7.00
Appyhere 04/02/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #2642: Appyhere QA DSM, Discussion and meeting with ashutosh on the calendar text update that should be updated from the app (iOS and android calendar) 7.00
Appyhere 04/02/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB continued working on test cases for update availability 7.00
Appyhere 04/02/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend worked on completing remaining integration test for group event email notification 7.00
Appyhere 04/01/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on test cases for update availability 7.00
Appyhere 04/01/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #2642: Appyhere QA Regular DSM, QA on issue fix of polygon persistence and not showing reasons on declining interest check (seeker app) and released to production. 7.00
Appyhere 04/01/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend worked on writing integrated testing for group event mail scheduler, updated few test cases in scheduled mail service, text issue fix with team 7.00
Appyhere 03/31/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Worked on integration of update api for updating availability 7.00
Appyhere 03/31/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #2642: Appyhere QA Initial testing on showing empty text on searching candidate and viewing booking detail 5.00
Appyhere 03/31/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Meeting Task #2620: Meetings, Discussion and planning Regular DSM and prioritization meeting on evening 2.00
Appyhere 03/31/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend deploy and testing email notification for group events, handle notificatoin case for invite, removed and reinvite case, test cases 9.00
Appyhere 03/30/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB Wrote test cases for create availability 7.00
Appyhere 03/30/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #2642: Appyhere QA Review on issue of push message notification on tap redirection. And bug added on Jira. 4.50
Appyhere 03/30/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Meeting Task #2620: Meetings, Discussion and planning DSM, sprint planning and meeting with team on sprint close and new sprint start 2.50
Appyhere 03/30/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend worked on creating sendgrid templates for group events invite, cancel and integrate with backend 7.00
Appyhere 03/29/2021 Atish Maharjan Development Task #2624: Appyhere Recruiter: WEB continued working on create api integration of create availability 7.00
Appyhere 03/29/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #2642: Appyhere QA Testing on not showing list of reasons on declining interest check by seeker and discussion with team on the issue 5.00
Appyhere 03/29/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Meeting Task #2620: Meetings, Discussion and planning Regular dsm and sprint tasks status and sprint planning 2.00
Appyhere 03/29/2021 Pabin Luitel Development Task #2645: AppyHere: Backend continued working on handling email notification for group events 7.00
Appyhere 03/26/2021 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #2642: Appyhere QA QA on showing dismiss info on Also seen list of candidate on position. Fine but still some further reworks. 5.50
(376-400/3687) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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