



From 03/29/2019 to 04/27/2019


11:17 AM Task #825 (New): Working on issue of CROS.
Suraj Manandhar


11:27 AM Bug #823 (Verified): After Login
If the user is already logged out of the system , but trying to access pages with url shows unauthorized error. It sh... Sarina Byanjankar
11:26 AM Bug #822 (Verified): Manage PODs > Add PODs
If a pod is added and deleted, cannot add a pod with same id after deletion Sarina Byanjankar
11:25 AM Bug #821 (Verified): Manage company > delete users, pods list
1. The pop-up that appear after deleting the user cannot be closed unless the page is refreshed manually.
2. If 10 o...
Sarina Byanjankar
11:24 AM Bug #820 (Verified): Manage Companies > Edit companies
Please change the title from "Add new company" to "edit company" Sarina Byanjankar
11:17 AM Task #817 (New): Fixes issue of audio play and pause
Suraj Manandhar
06:13 AM Bug #815 (Verified): Manage PODs : Empty PODs
If there are no pods added , it should show suitable message for that. (same goes for contents and companies) Sarina Byanjankar
06:04 AM Bug #814 (Verified): Manage Contents > Add Experience : upload track/ upload lightscript
Upload the track/lightscript file and again try to upload file over it and then cancel it. It makes the page go blank. Sarina Byanjankar
05:59 AM Bug #813 (Verified): Manage Contents > Add Experience : Validation message
Please change the alert message from "Add experience is invalid" to "Experience is invalid" Sarina Byanjankar
05:58 AM Bug #812 (Verified): Manage Contents > Add Category > Category duplication
same category can be added twice Sarina Byanjankar
05:56 AM Bug #811 (Closed): Manage PODs > Edit PODs: title
Please change the title from "ADD NEW POD" to "EDIT POD" Sarina Byanjankar
05:53 AM Bug #810 (Closed): Manage PODs > Add PODs : alert message
It shows "PODs have been listed successfully" each time you go 'manage pods'. Sarina Byanjankar
05:51 AM Bug #809 (Closed): Manage Companies > Add Companies : Validation Message
Please change the alert message from "Add company is invalid" to "Company is invalid". Sarina Byanjankar
05:49 AM Bug #808 (Verified): Manage Companies > Add Companies : Company details can be redundant
Allows to add company with same name and same details.( Phone number and email shouldn't be redundant.) Sarina Byanjankar
05:47 AM Bug #807 (Verified): Manage Companies > Edit Companies : Submit empty form with no csv uploaded
If the csv file is not uploaded while submitting the form, it shows "only csv file format supported'. Please make it ... Sarina Byanjankar
05:44 AM Bug #806 (Verified): Login
if the email with wrong format is entered (e.g.: , it should show appropriate validation message instead o... Sarina Byanjankar


10:37 AM Task #798 (New): Fixes issue mentioned by QA
Suraj Manandhar
10:37 AM Task #797 (New): Adding validation on add new experience form, login form
Suraj Manandhar
10:12 AM Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing
Rakesh Shrestha


11:17 AM Task #794 (New): Fixes forms issues and deployment
Suraj Manandhar


11:25 AM Task #791 (New): Integrates API on company detail page, Upload CSV of users, login/ logout Functionality
Suraj Manandhar


11:32 AM Task #789 (New): API integration on editing Company page
Suraj Manandhar
11:32 AM Task #788 (New): API integration on editing Pod page
Suraj Manandhar
11:32 AM Task #787 (New): Design Company Detail page
Suraj Manandhar
11:32 AM Task #786 (New): Implements pagination on listing page
Suraj Manandhar


11:20 AM Task #778 (New): API integration on adding, listing , deleting Pod and Loader on all listing pages
Suraj Manandhar


10:45 AM Task #774 (New): API integration on adding, editing, listing and deleting Companies
Suraj Manandhar


11:08 AM Task #769 (New): API integration on listing experiences of manage experiences page with reuseable table cell componet of dropdown menu, audio play
Suraj Manandhar


11:37 AM Task #732 (New): Design Changes
11:36 AM Task #731 (New): CORS issue


10:51 AM Task #726 (New): API Integration


11:22 AM Task #715 (New): Project Setup

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