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Hours: 216.57

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
01/09/2020 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing OS Booking and POD app review on debug and release 3.00
01/09/2020 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing openseed app 1.00
12/24/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Discussion on constraints bc of which light frames are skipped, standby features and updated to client 1.50
12/19/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Discussion on lightscript 30fps and crashes fixes reviews 1.00
12/19/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing openseed fixes and crash testing 0.50
11/11/2019 Anonymous Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Light cycle increase test. No crash found 2.00
10/18/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Analysis Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Pod and booking apps review and builds sent to client 1.00
10/17/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Documentation Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing openseed pod app testcases documentation completion 3.00
10/16/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Documentation Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing openseed booking app test cases completed 2.00
09/30/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Discussion and support on content download (manual and sync) issue on with and without internet connection 2.50
09/26/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Discussion on light script issue 1.00
09/23/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing APK review and sent to client after booking notification test 1.00
09/20/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Consultation Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Lights control issue from lightscript issue discussion. 1.00
09/19/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Analysis Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Review and app freeze and crash issue on after track completion and discussion with client 3.00
09/17/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing openseed notification verified on release apk , reported issues and fixes tested 4.00
09/17/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Support Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Review and final verification for booking push and apks emailed to client for further review 1.50
09/16/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Support Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Review on booking notificaiton, privacy policy flag issue, and language toggle & redirect on track finish (on pod app) 3.00
09/16/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Openseed booking app push notification verification 3.00
09/13/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Language toggle final review and apk sent to client 1.50
09/13/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Openseed push notification tested and reported issue in it. 3.50
09/12/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing POD App: Update discussion on Language toggle in welcome screen and testing 2.00
09/11/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Push notification test with sample track and issue discussion on no push 3.50
09/09/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Analysis Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Pod app -> Language toggl final review and apk forwarded and discussion 3.00
09/06/2019 Rakesh Shrestha Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing Language selection review in settings and track play count testing from database 3.00
09/05/2019 Sarina Byanjankar Testing Task #800: Openseed Android QA Testing openseed pod app new feature testing(multi language) 3.00
(26-50/91) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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