



From 03/03/2020 to 04/01/2020


11:20 AM 2.50 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
openseed pod, tried to sync artnet and pod app , but still not working Sarina Byanjankar


12:13 PM 2.00 hours (Task #2160 (New): March 30 Update)
UI Changes, bug fixes Anonymous
12:02 PM 5.50 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
openseed pod app testing Sarina Byanjankar
11:26 AM 0.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Discussion on issues on crash recreate and artnet complexities and feasibilities Rakesh Shrestha


11:25 AM 1.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Openseed pos app discussion and testing Sarina Byanjankar
11:23 AM 0.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Discussion with the team on the test result output sent in email by Thomas. Rakesh Shrestha


11:12 AM 2.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Audio sync issue and flicker issue consultation and review and apk sent to client Rakesh Shrestha
11:06 AM 0.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
openseed pod app testing Sarina Byanjankar
10:44 AM 3.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
New Issue related to light fixes Anonymous


11:13 AM 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Reviewed surfacely the new test report and analysed and discussed the issue sent Rakesh Shrestha


11:16 AM 1.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Light flickering issue review in new light script Rakesh Shrestha
11:02 AM 6.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
New architecture implementation. Anonymous
05:23 AM 5.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
Test issue fixes and testing. Anonymous


11:17 AM 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Discussion and review on light script issue fix. Rakesh Shrestha


11:13 AM 4.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
Implement direct light script read from CSV file. Anonymous

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