



From 11/04/2019 to 12/03/2019


05:44 AM Bug #1743 (Verified): Rebate Detail
Sarina Byanjankar
05:44 AM Bug #1743 (Resolved): Rebate Detail
Sarina Byanjankar
05:44 AM Bug #1743 (In Progress): Rebate Detail
Sarina Byanjankar
05:43 AM Bug #1557 (Verified): bulk price update
Sarina Byanjankar
05:40 AM Feature #1525 (Verified): Delete Rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
05:36 AM Bug #1715 (Verified): Rebate Detail error on back of safari OS
Sarina Byanjankar
05:36 AM Bug #1700 (Verified): Rebate feature request
Sarina Byanjankar
05:35 AM Bug #1655 (Verified): Calendar
Sarina Byanjankar


05:11 AM Bug #1840 (Verified): Create Rebate > no amount in stripe account
If there's no balance in stripe account. Please show alert dialogue while creating the reba...
Sarina Byanjankar
05:09 AM Bug #1839 (Open): Unlocked and redeemed count
If there aren't any unlocked and redeemed count. Please show "zero" instead of blank.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:59 AM Bug #1838 (Verified): cash back tool tip
Please check the screenshot
Sarina Byanjankar
04:53 AM Bug #1837 (Verified): Task Analysis
If there are no data in the task analysis table . Please show some kind of message. [Same i...
Sarina Byanjankar
04:52 AM Bug #1836 (Verified): Update Stripe card
While updating the card with no data, the dialogue closes right after showing the alert mes...
Sarina Byanjankar
04:40 AM Bug #1835 (Verified): Admin > profile image (on change and logout)
Please add default images for profile.
If the profile picture is updated, please make pag...
Sarina Byanjankar


09:33 AM Task #1809 (New): Redeem Request Detail
Please change "Coupon" to "Offer" Sarina Byanjankar
09:11 AM Task #1808 (New): Admin tool tips
Tool Top Text to be added in :
1. Create Rebate > Feature rebate Section
2. Homapage > Feature Company Calendar
Sarina Byanjankar
08:28 AM Task #1807 (New): Admin > Redeem receipt
Redeem Receipt:
1. Strain - not required
2. Batch no - not required
Sarina Byanjankar


08:30 AM Task #1789 (New): Super admin > Company / Rebate list
When Super Admin is on the home page, not all companies are showing on panel. We would like all companies to be liste... Sarina Byanjankar
08:29 AM Task #1788 (New): Super admin > company detail
When Super Admin is on a companys specific page, the Location/stores theyve added are not showing Sarina Byanjankar
08:24 AM Bug #1787 (Verified): contents to be added.
(?) need to be filled out and completed Sarina Byanjankar
08:24 AM Bug #1786 (Verified): Admin sign up form
Sign up page corrections - State of Manufacturers, Cities of Sales + Map removal Sarina Byanjankar
08:13 AM Bug #1785 (Verified): Redeem Request Detail > Location field
Location is not showing when admin is verifying a receipt. Sarina Byanjankar
08:05 AM Bug #1784 (Verified): sign up
When admin submits request to sign up-> doesn't go to next page. It should show some kind of message after sign up. Sarina Byanjankar
08:03 AM Bug #1783 (Open): Super Admin > Company list
When Super Admin is on the home page, not all companies are showing on panel. We would like all companies to be liste... Sarina Byanjankar
08:00 AM Bug #1782 (Open): Redeem Request Detail
When a redeem request comes in, there is a blank picture when it should be picture. Sarina Byanjankar
07:57 AM Bug #1781 (Open): create Rebate > Image upload
When admin is adding a picture for rebate, the mouse does not show its "clickable".

Sarina Byanjankar
06:12 AM Bug #1780 (Open): Admin > Stores
When admin is adding a store, the email field is not required. Sarina Byanjankar
06:11 AM Bug #1779 (Open): Admin sign up
When admin submits request to sign up-> doesn't go to next page.
After sign up, there should be some kind of succes...
Sarina Byanjankar


09:25 AM Bug #1777 (Open): Redeem Request detail
the image is static. It should be product image.
Sarina Byanjankar

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