



From 07/09/2019 to 08/07/2019


04:48 AM Bug #1383 (Reopen): Super admin> Rebate list > Filter rebate
It is still to be fixed. Sarina Byanjankar
04:45 AM Bug #1377 (Verified): admin > load balance using paypal
Sarina Byanjankar


10:40 AM Bug #1471 (Resolved): Rebate Details
Suraj Manandhar
10:40 AM Bug #1471 (In Progress): Rebate Details
Suraj Manandhar
10:35 AM Bug #1524 (Resolved): Banking
Suraj Manandhar
10:35 AM Bug #1524 (In Progress): Banking
Suraj Manandhar
10:18 AM Bug #1523 (Resolved): Sign in after changing password (1st time sign in)
Suraj Manandhar
10:18 AM Bug #1523 (In Progress): Sign in after changing password (1st time sign in)
Suraj Manandhar
10:11 AM Bug #1466 (Resolved): Add/Update Wallet Balance
Suraj Manandhar
10:11 AM Bug #1466 (In Progress): Add/Update Wallet Balance
Suraj Manandhar
09:11 AM Bug #1467 (Resolved): Super admin > feature request
Suraj Manandhar
09:10 AM Bug #1467 (In Progress): Super admin > feature request
Suraj Manandhar
09:02 AM Bug #1377 (Resolved): admin > load balance using paypal
Suraj Manandhar
09:02 AM Bug #1377 (In Progress): admin > load balance using paypal
Suraj Manandhar
09:01 AM Bug #1403 (Resolved): admin > sign up
Suraj Manandhar
09:01 AM Bug #1403 (In Progress): admin > sign up
Suraj Manandhar
08:51 AM Bug #1483 (Resolved): Sign up > Google map
Suraj Manandhar
08:50 AM Bug #1483 (In Progress): Sign up > Google map
Suraj Manandhar
08:48 AM Feature #1525 (Resolved): Delete Rebate
Suraj Manandhar
08:48 AM Feature #1525 (In Progress): Delete Rebate
Suraj Manandhar
08:33 AM Bug #1535 (Resolved): Feature company
Suraj Manandhar
08:33 AM Bug #1535 (In Progress): Feature company
Suraj Manandhar
08:10 AM Bug #1536 (Resolved): Feature company
Suraj Manandhar
08:09 AM Bug #1536 (In Progress): Feature company
Suraj Manandhar
08:05 AM Bug #1539 (Resolved): rebate image
Suraj Manandhar
08:05 AM Bug #1539 (In Progress): rebate image
Suraj Manandhar
08:04 AM Bug #1544 (Resolved): Add store
Suraj Manandhar
08:04 AM Bug #1544 (In Progress): Add store
Suraj Manandhar
08:02 AM Bug #1545 (Resolved): Add store > empty form
Suraj Manandhar
08:02 AM Bug #1545 (In Progress): Add store > empty form
Suraj Manandhar
08:00 AM Bug #1520 (Resolved): Admin > Change Password
Suraj Manandhar
07:59 AM Bug #1520 (In Progress): Admin > Change Password
Suraj Manandhar
04:19 AM Task #1561 (New): Fixing issue mentioned by QA
Suraj Manandhar


06:18 AM Bug #1557 (Verified): bulk price update
Changing price for all dates does-not work.
Sarina Byanjankar


06:02 AM Bug #1545 (Verified): Add store > empty form
Submitting the empty form shows "internal server error" . Please add validation in the form. Sarina Byanjankar
05:57 AM Bug #1544 (Verified): Add store
"Add Store" button doesn't have functionality. Since the store add form is already there there's no use of it.
Sarina Byanjankar


04:08 AM Bug #1539 (Verified): rebate image
the rebate images are stretched
Sarina Byanjankar


08:47 AM Bug #1536 (Verified): Feature company
the same company should not be allowed to feature twice if it is already featured. Sarina Byanjankar
08:11 AM Bug #1535 (Reopen): Feature company
the amount in the text should be dynamic.
Sarina Byanjankar


10:33 AM Feature #1525 (Verified): Delete Rebate
Deleting rebate , deletes the rebate but the loader keeps on loading unless page is refreshed. It should ask for conf... Sarina Byanjankar
08:13 AM Bug #1524 (Reopen): Banking
Please replace the paypal logo with stripe logo .
Sarina Byanjankar
06:49 AM Bug #1523 (Verified): Sign in after changing password (1st time sign in)
the success message dialogue is in red background. Please make it green.
All success message dialogue should always...
Sarina Byanjankar
06:22 AM Bug #1520 (Verified): Admin > Change Password
Please change the "Password " to "New Passsword"
Sarina Byanjankar


05:17 AM Bug #1483 (Verified): Sign up > Google map
Please add api key in google map
Sarina Byanjankar


08:30 AM Bug #1473 (Open): Feature Rebate
If "Featured Rebate " is selected and the form is submitted, feature rebate request should be sent to Super admin. th... Sarina Byanjankar
08:04 AM Bug #1471 (Verified): Rebate Details
Please change the marked text to "Is user able to redeem this offer more than once?"
Sarina Byanjankar
07:57 AM Bug #1470 (Open): Feature Rebate request
There's no action in rejecting the feature company request.
Sarina Byanjankar
05:49 AM Bug #1469 (Open): Super admin > Feature Company > Details
Feature date should be highlighted in the calendar. And the date should not be navigable.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:53 AM Bug #1467 (Reopen): Super admin > feature request
Company logo should be dynamic.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:50 AM Bug #1466 (Reopen): Add/Update Wallet Balance
While trying to update the card with empty field, it shows error message and closes the dialogue. the dialogue should... Sarina Byanjankar


09:36 AM Bug #1317 (Verified): Create Rebate > Publish
Sarina Byanjankar
09:00 AM Bug #1335 (Reopen): update task > video
Still to be done Sarina Byanjankar
08:57 AM Bug #1322 (Verified): Admin > Home
Sarina Byanjankar
08:56 AM Bug #1353 (Verified): Redeem Request
Sarina Byanjankar


11:17 AM Task #1433 (New): Integrates Stripe
Suraj Manandhar


11:21 AM Task #1428 (New): Research on Documentation on Stripe
Suraj Manandhar
11:21 AM Task #1427 (New): Integrates API to request feature company
Suraj Manandhar


11:14 AM Task #1421 (New): Integrates API on add/edit/list feature rebate for special days
Suraj Manandhar

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