



From 06/20/2019 to 07/19/2019


05:17 AM Bug #1483 (Verified): Sign up > Google map
Please add api key in google map
Sarina Byanjankar


08:30 AM Bug #1473 (Open): Feature Rebate
If "Featured Rebate " is selected and the form is submitted, feature rebate request should be sent to Super admin. th... Sarina Byanjankar
08:04 AM Bug #1471 (Verified): Rebate Details
Please change the marked text to "Is user able to redeem this offer more than once?"
Sarina Byanjankar
07:57 AM Bug #1470 (Open): Feature Rebate request
There's no action in rejecting the feature company request.
Sarina Byanjankar
05:49 AM Bug #1469 (Open): Super admin > Feature Company > Details
Feature date should be highlighted in the calendar. And the date should not be navigable.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:53 AM Bug #1467 (Reopen): Super admin > feature request
Company logo should be dynamic.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:50 AM Bug #1466 (Reopen): Add/Update Wallet Balance
While trying to update the card with empty field, it shows error message and closes the dialogue. the dialogue should... Sarina Byanjankar


09:36 AM Bug #1317 (Verified): Create Rebate > Publish
Sarina Byanjankar
09:00 AM Bug #1335 (Reopen): update task > video
Still to be done Sarina Byanjankar
08:57 AM Bug #1322 (Verified): Admin > Home
Sarina Byanjankar
08:56 AM Bug #1353 (Verified): Redeem Request
Sarina Byanjankar


11:17 AM Task #1433 (New): Integrates Stripe
Suraj Manandhar


11:21 AM Task #1428 (New): Research on Documentation on Stripe
Suraj Manandhar
11:21 AM Task #1427 (New): Integrates API to request feature company
Suraj Manandhar


11:14 AM Task #1421 (New): Integrates API on add/edit/list feature rebate for special days
Suraj Manandhar


11:09 AM Task #1414 (New): Listing and deleting store
Suraj Manandhar


11:28 AM Task #1408 (New): Integrates API to add new store
Suraj Manandhar
05:33 AM Bug #1375 (Resolved): admin > rebate detail
Suraj Manandhar
05:32 AM Bug #1375 (In Progress): admin > rebate detail
Suraj Manandhar
05:00 AM Task #1404 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting
Suraj Manandhar
04:28 AM Bug #1383 (Resolved): Super admin> Rebate list > Filter rebate
Suraj Manandhar
04:28 AM Bug #1383 (In Progress): Super admin> Rebate list > Filter rebate
Suraj Manandhar
04:21 AM Bug #1403 (Reopen): admin > sign up
Please check the duplicate personal license number. email and company email.
User should-not be allowed to use the...
Sarina Byanjankar


05:31 AM Bug #1383 (Reopen): Super admin> Rebate list > Filter rebate
Selecting any of the options in the filter, redirects to the dashboard . Sarina Byanjankar
04:00 AM Bug #1367 (Verified): Create rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
04:00 AM Bug #1367 (Resolved): Create rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
04:00 AM Bug #1367 (In Progress): Create rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
03:50 AM Bug #1330 (Verified): rebate list > rebate thumbnail
Sarina Byanjankar
03:50 AM Bug #1330 (Resolved): rebate list > rebate thumbnail
Sarina Byanjankar
03:50 AM Bug #1330 (In Progress): rebate list > rebate thumbnail
Sarina Byanjankar


11:08 AM Bug #1377 (Verified): admin > load balance using paypal
after loading the balance successfully, the "Load Paypal amount" Dialogue should close automatically and the page sho... Sarina Byanjankar
08:36 AM Bug #1376 (Open): admin > update task
the video thumbnail does not appear while trying to update the task with video.
Sarina Byanjankar
08:26 AM Bug #1374 (Verified): admin > redeem request list
Sarina Byanjankar
08:07 AM Bug #1374 (Resolved): admin > redeem request list
Sarina Byanjankar
08:06 AM Bug #1374 (In Progress): admin > redeem request list
Sarina Byanjankar
04:29 AM Bug #1374 (Verified): admin > redeem request list
Unlocking the rebate(from app) , adds the request in the redeem request list (in web). It should be added only if t... Sarina Byanjankar
08:26 AM Bug #1370 (Verified): Change password validation
Sarina Byanjankar
08:00 AM Bug #1375 (Reopen): admin > rebate detail
the image on the admin detail is static. It should be as per the uploaded image.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:33 AM Bug #1368 (Verified): admin login > unlocked count
Sarina Byanjankar
04:18 AM Bug #1365 (Verified): Super admin > Edit task
Sarina Byanjankar
04:17 AM Bug #1364 (Verified): Super admin > Registration request detail (Browser specific issue)
Sarina Byanjankar
04:14 AM Bug #1355 (Verified): super admin > company details
Sarina Byanjankar
03:46 AM Bug #1354 (Verified): Super admin > delate rebate
Sarina Byanjankar


11:13 AM Bug #1345 (Verified): Redeem request
Sarina Byanjankar
11:12 AM Bug #1344 (Verified): Redeem Rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
11:11 AM Bug #1343 (Verified): Reject Rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
11:10 AM Bug #1339 (Verified): super admin > rebate list
Sarina Byanjankar
11:10 AM Bug #1337 (Verified): rebate details > 404 page not found
Sarina Byanjankar
11:08 AM Bug #1334 (Verified): update task
Sarina Byanjankar
11:07 AM Bug #1333 (Verified): Rebate Detail
Sarina Byanjankar
11:04 AM Bug #1329 (Verified): Create rebate > Select Task > Video
Sarina Byanjankar
11:04 AM Bug #1328 (Verified): Create Rebate > Calendar
Sarina Byanjankar
11:03 AM Bug #1327 (Verified): Create Rebate > Exclusions
Sarina Byanjankar
10:26 AM Bug #1371 (Open): super admin > registration request> company details
Address of the company should also be shown in the detail. Sarina Byanjankar
10:05 AM Bug #1370 (Resolved): Change password validation
Suraj Manandhar
10:05 AM Bug #1370 (In Progress): Change password validation
Suraj Manandhar
09:16 AM Bug #1370 (Verified): Change password validation
If different passwords are entered , it should show validation message. Sarina Byanjankar
09:41 AM Bug #1368 (Resolved): admin login > unlocked count
Buddha Man Nepali
09:40 AM Bug #1368 (In Progress): admin login > unlocked count
Buddha Man Nepali
08:42 AM Bug #1368 (Verified): admin login > unlocked count
the unlocked count should be increased on the page reload.
The api is called only after log in. [Same in users coun...
Sarina Byanjankar
09:38 AM Bug #1321 (Verified): Create Rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
09:36 AM Bug #1319 (Verified): Create Rebate > Unlimited button
Sarina Byanjankar
09:35 AM Bug #1353 (Resolved): Redeem Request
Buddha Man Nepali
09:35 AM Bug #1353 (In Progress): Redeem Request
Buddha Man Nepali
09:35 AM Bug #1318 (Verified): Create Rebate > typo
Sarina Byanjankar
09:32 AM Bug #1315 (Verified): create rebate > error 404 page not found
Sarina Byanjankar
09:31 AM Bug #1314 (Verified): Create Rebate > back
Sarina Byanjankar
09:29 AM Bug #1313 (Verified): Create Rebate > Exclusions
Sarina Byanjankar
09:28 AM Bug #1312 (Verified): Sign up > dropdown
Sarina Byanjankar
09:27 AM Bug #1309 (Verified): Super admin > Search
Sarina Byanjankar
09:23 AM Bug #1307 (Verified): admin > home/wallet
Sarina Byanjankar
09:13 AM Bug #1306 (Verified): Change Password
Sarina Byanjankar
09:10 AM Bug #1303 (Verified): Registration Request
Sarina Byanjankar
09:08 AM Bug #1301 (Verified): sign up > personal information
Sarina Byanjankar
09:06 AM Bug #1300 (Verified): License Expiry Date
Sarina Byanjankar
09:06 AM Bug #1299 (Verified): validation in sign up
Sarina Byanjankar
09:05 AM Bug #1298 (Verified): Create Rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
09:00 AM Bug #1295 (Verified): sign up> Additional license number
Sarina Byanjankar
08:59 AM Bug #1294 (Verified): Sign up > submit empty form
Sarina Byanjankar
08:57 AM Task #1369 (New): Logout/delete rebate > Alert Dialogue
Please add alert dialogue on click in logout. [In both superadmin and admin]
Please also add alert dialogue while de...
Sarina Byanjankar
08:56 AM Bug #1365 (Resolved): Super admin > Edit task
Suraj Manandhar
08:56 AM Bug #1365 (In Progress): Super admin > Edit task
Suraj Manandhar
05:45 AM Bug #1365 (Verified): Super admin > Edit task
Edit task redirects to super admin dashboard.
Sarina Byanjankar
08:53 AM Bug #1363 (In Progress): Admin > sign up
Suraj Manandhar
04:44 AM Bug #1363 (In Progress): Admin > sign up

License expiry date should also be a required field.
the arrows in the dropdown box should also be functional.
Sarina Byanjankar
08:52 AM Bug #1364 (Resolved): Super admin > Registration request detail (Browser specific issue)
Suraj Manandhar
08:51 AM Bug #1364 (In Progress): Super admin > Registration request detail (Browser specific issue)
Suraj Manandhar
05:21 AM Bug #1364 (Verified): Super admin > Registration request detail (Browser specific issue)
All data does not load in safari.
more browser specific issues:
Sarina Byanjankar
08:40 AM Bug #1354 (Resolved): Super admin > delate rebate
Buddha Man Nepali
08:40 AM Bug #1354 (In Progress): Super admin > delate rebate
Buddha Man Nepali
08:35 AM Bug #1355 (Resolved): super admin > company details
Suraj Manandhar
08:35 AM Bug #1355 (In Progress): super admin > company details
Suraj Manandhar
08:18 AM Bug #1340 (Reopen): update task / error 404 page not found
Sarina Byanjankar
06:02 AM Bug #1367 (Verified): Create rebate
Double clicking on publish button, adds the rebate twice. Please handle it.
Sarina Byanjankar
05:52 AM Bug #1366 (Open): Create rebate> Feature rebate
Please change the text t appropriate one.
Sarina Byanjankar


10:37 AM Bug #1355 (Verified): super admin > company details
the company image seems static. It should get updated compny image is changed or updated.
Sarina Byanjankar
10:25 AM Bug #1354 (Verified): Super admin > delate rebate
Loader just keeps on loading while trying to delete the rebate from super admin. No errors are appeared. Sarina Byanjankar
09:30 AM Bug #1353 (Verified): Redeem Request
the redeem requests list should load new requests on page reload.
Sarina Byanjankar
09:14 AM Bug #1344 (Resolved): Redeem Rebate
Suraj Manandhar
09:14 AM Bug #1344 (In Progress): Redeem Rebate
Suraj Manandhar
05:41 AM Bug #1344 (Verified): Redeem Rebate
- There should be a place holder in the date.
- Please change 'Locations" to "Location" , and the place holder to "...
Sarina Byanjankar
09:09 AM Bug #1345 (Resolved): Redeem request
Suraj Manandhar
09:09 AM Bug #1345 (In Progress): Redeem request
Suraj Manandhar
08:44 AM Bug #1345 (Verified): Redeem request
Only unlocking the rebate from the phone, increases the count in redeem request. Sarina Byanjankar
09:05 AM Bug #1340 (Resolved): update task / error 404 page not found
Suraj Manandhar
09:04 AM Bug #1340 (In Progress): update task / error 404 page not found
Suraj Manandhar
04:28 AM Bug #1340 (Reopen): update task / error 404 page not found
Empty form can be submitted in rebate update. And once task is updated[with or without question], the task does-not a... Sarina Byanjankar
09:02 AM Bug #1337 (Resolved): rebate details > 404 page not found
Suraj Manandhar
09:02 AM Bug #1337 (In Progress): rebate details > 404 page not found
Suraj Manandhar
08:59 AM Bug #1339 (Resolved): super admin > rebate list
Sarina Byanjankar
08:59 AM Bug #1339 (In Progress): super admin > rebate list
Sarina Byanjankar
08:49 AM Bug #1339 (Reopen): super admin > rebate list
the problem has not been resolved yet. Sarina Byanjankar
05:35 AM Bug #1339 (Resolved): super admin > rebate list
Buddha Man Nepali
05:35 AM Bug #1339 (In Progress): super admin > rebate list
Buddha Man Nepali
03:55 AM Bug #1339 (Verified): super admin > rebate list
the rebate list in the super admin is not navigable.
Sarina Byanjankar
08:56 AM Bug #1343 (Resolved): Reject Rebate
Suraj Manandhar
08:56 AM Bug #1343 (In Progress): Reject Rebate
Suraj Manandhar
05:02 AM Bug #1343 (Verified): Reject Rebate
Rebate can be rejected without checking any reasons .
Sarina Byanjankar
08:21 AM Bug #1333 (Resolved): Rebate Detail
Suraj Manandhar
06:38 AM Bug #1333 (In Progress): Rebate Detail
Suraj Manandhar
06:23 AM Bug #1334 (Resolved): update task
Buddha Man Nepali
06:23 AM Bug #1334 (In Progress): update task
Buddha Man Nepali
06:15 AM Bug #1335 (Resolved): update task > video
Buddha Man Nepali
06:15 AM Bug #1335 (In Progress): update task > video
Buddha Man Nepali
05:15 AM Bug #1327 (Resolved): Create Rebate > Exclusions
Buddha Man Nepali


10:33 AM Bug #1337 (Verified): rebate details > 404 page not found
Going to home from rebate details redirects to 404 page not found. Sarina Byanjankar
10:15 AM Bug #1330 (Reopen): rebate list > rebate thumbnail
Buddha Man Nepali
09:04 AM Bug #1330 (Resolved): rebate list > rebate thumbnail
Buddha Man Nepali
09:04 AM Bug #1330 (In Progress): rebate list > rebate thumbnail
Buddha Man Nepali
08:49 AM Bug #1330 (Verified): rebate list > rebate thumbnail
There should be an uploaded image as thumbnail in each rebate.
[Same in Super admin]
Sarina Byanjankar
10:12 AM Bug #1335 (Reopen): update task > video
Please add thumbnail of the video in update form.
Sarina Byanjankar
10:09 AM Bug #1334 (Verified): update task
"Back" is not functional.
And there's no option to cancel rebate update.
Sarina Byanjankar
10:03 AM Bug #1333 (Verified): Rebate Detail
If the cash back amount is in decimal , the decimal values drop to next line.
Sarina Byanjankar
09:33 AM Bug #1327 (In Progress): Create Rebate > Exclusions
Suraj Manandhar
04:14 AM Bug #1327 (Verified): Create Rebate > Exclusions
The additional exclusion field should of same size as the first exclusion field.
Sarina Byanjankar
09:16 AM Bug #1303 (Resolved): Registration Request
Suraj Manandhar
09:16 AM Bug #1303 (In Progress): Registration Request
Suraj Manandhar
09:13 AM Bug #1306 (Resolved): Change Password
Suraj Manandhar
09:13 AM Bug #1306 (In Progress): Change Password
Suraj Manandhar
09:13 AM Bug #1298 (Resolved): Create Rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
09:13 AM Bug #1298 (In Progress): Create Rebate
Sarina Byanjankar
09:04 AM Bug #1321 (Resolved): Create Rebate
Buddha Man Nepali
09:04 AM Bug #1321 (In Progress): Create Rebate
Buddha Man Nepali
09:03 AM Bug #1307 (Resolved): admin > home/wallet
Suraj Manandhar
09:03 AM Bug #1307 (In Progress): admin > home/wallet
Suraj Manandhar
08:57 AM Bug #1309 (Resolved): Super admin > Search
Suraj Manandhar
08:57 AM Bug #1309 (In Progress): Super admin > Search
Suraj Manandhar
08:56 AM Bug #1317 (Resolved): Create Rebate > Publish
Buddha Man Nepali
08:56 AM Bug #1317 (In Progress): Create Rebate > Publish
Buddha Man Nepali
08:54 AM Bug #1328 (Resolved): Create Rebate > Calendar
Buddha Man Nepali
08:54 AM Bug #1328 (In Progress): Create Rebate > Calendar
Buddha Man Nepali
04:21 AM Bug #1328 (Verified): Create Rebate > Calendar
User shouldnot be able to select past dates.
Sarina Byanjankar
08:40 AM Bug #1329 (Resolved): Create rebate > Select Task > Video
Buddha Man Nepali
08:40 AM Bug #1329 (In Progress): Create rebate > Select Task > Video
Buddha Man Nepali
05:04 AM Bug #1329 (Verified): Create rebate > Select Task > Video
- Please add a field for video name .
- The thumbnail of the uploaded video should appear.
Sarina Byanjankar
08:33 AM Bug #1322 (Resolved): Admin > Home
Suraj Manandhar
08:33 AM Bug #1322 (In Progress): Admin > Home
Suraj Manandhar
05:47 AM Bug #1318 (Resolved): Create Rebate > typo
Buddha Man Nepali
05:46 AM Bug #1318 (In Progress): Create Rebate > typo
Buddha Man Nepali
05:45 AM Bug #1319 (Resolved): Create Rebate > Unlimited button
Buddha Man Nepali
05:45 AM Bug #1319 (In Progress): Create Rebate > Unlimited button
Buddha Man Nepali
05:45 AM Bug #1319 (Open): Create Rebate > Unlimited button
Buddha Man Nepali
05:44 AM Bug #1315 (Resolved): create rebate > error 404 page not found
Buddha Man Nepali
05:44 AM Bug #1315 (In Progress): create rebate > error 404 page not found
Buddha Man Nepali
05:43 AM Bug #1314 (Resolved): Create Rebate > back
Buddha Man Nepali
05:43 AM Bug #1314 (In Progress): Create Rebate > back
Buddha Man Nepali
05:38 AM Bug #1313 (Resolved): Create Rebate > Exclusions
Buddha Man Nepali
05:38 AM Bug #1313 (In Progress): Create Rebate > Exclusions
Buddha Man Nepali
04:32 AM Bug #1300 (Resolved): License Expiry Date
Suraj Manandhar
04:32 AM Bug #1300 (In Progress): License Expiry Date
Suraj Manandhar
04:31 AM Bug #1299 (Resolved): validation in sign up
Suraj Manandhar
04:31 AM Bug #1299 (In Progress): validation in sign up
Suraj Manandhar
04:05 AM Bug #1294 (Resolved): Sign up > submit empty form
Suraj Manandhar
04:05 AM Bug #1294 (In Progress): Sign up > submit empty form
Suraj Manandhar
04:03 AM Bug #1295 (Resolved): sign up> Additional license number
Suraj Manandhar
04:03 AM Bug #1295 (In Progress): sign up> Additional license number
Suraj Manandhar
04:02 AM Bug #1301 (Resolved): sign up > personal information
Suraj Manandhar
04:01 AM Bug #1301 (In Progress): sign up > personal information
Suraj Manandhar
04:00 AM Bug #1312 (Resolved): Sign up > dropdown
Suraj Manandhar
04:00 AM Bug #1312 (In Progress): Sign up > dropdown
Suraj Manandhar
03:56 AM Bug #1296 (Closed): Sign in
Suraj Manandhar
03:55 AM Bug #1296 (Verified): Sign in
Suraj Manandhar
03:55 AM Bug #1296 (In Progress): Sign in
Suraj Manandhar


09:15 AM Bug #1320 (Rejected): Super admin/ admin > topbar
Sarina Byanjankar
07:55 AM Bug #1320 (Rejected): Super admin/ admin > topbar
There's notification and profile in top bar in design file. (design file from marvel) .
same in super admin. http...
Sarina Byanjankar
08:52 AM Bug #1322 (Verified): Admin > Home
Address and email is also to be shown as in design file. [Design file from marvel]
Image is set to static. It shoul...
Sarina Byanjankar
08:26 AM Bug #1321 (Verified): Create Rebate
No other options can be selected in questions except multiple option question.
Sarina Byanjankar
05:10 AM Bug #1319 (Verified): Create Rebate > Unlimited button
1. Clicking on "Unlimited" button adds a new rebate. And clicking the button multiple times adds the multiple rebates... Sarina Byanjankar
05:05 AM Bug #1318 (Verified): Create Rebate > typo
Please change "Rebeem" to "Redeem"
Sarina Byanjankar
04:48 AM Bug #1317 (Verified): Create Rebate > Publish
- Empty form can be submitted while creating rebate. Please show an alert message if the page is empty.
- After fi...
Sarina Byanjankar
04:20 AM Bug #1315 (Verified): create rebate > error 404 page not found
Error 404 page not found while clicking on budbux logo from "Create Rebate" page. [Same in super admin]
Sarina Byanjankar
04:18 AM Bug #1314 (Verified): Create Rebate > back
"Back" is not functional.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:12 AM Bug #1313 (Verified): Create Rebate > Exclusions
the pointed text should be placeholder not value of the textfield.
Sarina Byanjankar
04:02 AM Bug #1312 (Verified): Sign up > dropdown
After selecting the an option in dropbox, it can be still over written.
Sarina Byanjankar
02:02 AM Task #1311 (Open): Add test cases for the components and bug fixes
Buddha Man Nepali


11:12 AM Bug #1309 (Verified): Super admin > Search
404 page not found, while trying to search.
Sarina Byanjankar
11:08 AM Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA
Suraj Manandhar
11:08 AM Bug #1307 (Verified): admin > home/wallet
the less than (<) is only to be shown in back.
Sarina Byanjankar
10:48 AM Bug #1306 (Verified): Change Password
If different passwords are used in password and confirm password. The loader just keeps loading
Sarina Byanjankar
08:31 AM Bug #1303 (Verified): Registration Request
Company name "Olio International" seems to be static at the moment.
The company name in the highlighted area should...
Sarina Byanjankar
08:20 AM Bug #1301 (Verified): sign up > personal information
Capitalize the texts in labels
Sarina Byanjankar
08:11 AM Bug #1300 (Verified): License Expiry Date
User should-not be allowed to select the past dates in License Expiry dates.
Sarina Byanjankar
08:07 AM Bug #1299 (Verified): validation in sign up
Please add asterisk (*) in required fields as in design file.
the dates are auto-selected when the sign up page is o...
Sarina Byanjankar
07:44 AM Bug #1298 (Verified): Create Rebate
The loader appears and goes while trying the create a rebate.
Sarina Byanjankar
06:11 AM Bug #1297 (Rejected): sign up
Sarina Byanjankar
05:59 AM Bug #1297 (Rejected): sign up
Loader keeps loading while submitting the sign up form with all fields filled.
Sarina Byanjankar
05:29 AM Bug #1296 (Closed): Sign in
Submitting empty form shows "Invalid password" . Please change is to appropriate text.
Sarina Byanjankar
05:06 AM Bug #1295 (Verified): sign up> Additional license number
the additional license number cannot be removed .
Sarina Byanjankar
05:03 AM Bug #1294 (Verified): Sign up > submit empty form
If empty sign up form is submitted , it should show an alert text and should show validation messages in required fie... Sarina Byanjankar


10:49 AM Task #1288 (New): Creates New Pages of Privacy Policy, License Agreement and Terms & Condition
Suraj Manandhar
02:02 AM Task #1287 (New): Creating update reabate, update create rebate functionality and make app ready for deployment
Buddha Man Nepali


11:17 AM Task #1286 (New): Refactor code
Suraj Manandhar
11:17 AM Task #1285 (New): Implements logout functionality
Suraj Manandhar
11:17 AM Task #1284 (New): Implements api on search page
Suraj Manandhar

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