From 06/02/2019 to 07/01/2019
- 11:09 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- budbux standup meeting, budbux web testing
- 02:03 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA)
- Bug fixes
- 02:02 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 11:16 AM 2.75 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- Superadmin and admin panel overall functionality test and fetures discussions
- 11:15 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- budbux daily standup meeting, budbux web testing , verifying and reporting issues
- 11:08 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- 01:24 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 11:07 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA)
- 01:25 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1311 (Open): Add test cases for the components and bug fixes)
- Bbug fixes as mentined by QA
- 11:13 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA)
- 02:20 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA)
- Implementing change requests form QA and bug fixes
- 11:10 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- Stand up meeting, budbux testing and repostign issues.
- 02:19 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 11:24 AM 5.12 hours (Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA)
- 11:14 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- Stand up meeting, budbux web testing and reporting issues.
- 02:29 PM 3.75 hours (Task #1311 (Open): Add test cases for the components and bug fixes)
- Added test cases for the component and add bug fixes
- 02:02 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1311 (Open): Add test cases for the components and bug fixes)
- Added test cases for the component and add bug fixes
- 02:28 PM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 02:03 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 11:03 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- budbux web testing and reporting issues
- 11:51 AM 2.15 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- UI and functional issues discussion, thorough initial level testing
- 11:14 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- budbux web testing and reporting issues
- 11:10 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA)
- Adds form validation on login page, Adds Validation on register page and refactor code of multi select,Changes icons ...
- 04:32 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1287 (New): Creating update reabate, update create rebate functionality and make app ready for deployment)
- Added Test cases and prepared the app for deployment in test site.
- 04:31 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Daily standup Meeting
- 10:50 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1266 (New): Minor Bug fixes)
- 10:50 AM 4.00 hours (Task #1288 (New): Creates New Pages of Privacy Policy, License Agreement and Terms & Condition)
- 03:33 AM 0.30 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- standup meeting
- 01:56 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 02:02 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1287 (New): Creating update reabate, update create rebate functionality and make app ready for deployment)
- Creating update reabate, update create rebate functionality and make app ready for deployment
- 11:19 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1266 (New): Minor Bug fixes)
- Fixes minor design issues
- 11:19 AM 1.00 hour (Task #1286 (New): Refactor code)
- Refactor code of signin
- 11:18 AM 1.00 hour (Task #1285 (New): Implements logout functionality)
- 11:18 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1284 (New): Implements api on search page)
- 03:39 AM 0.30 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- standup meeting
- 02:11 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 02:13 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1267 (New): Develop Map component and Payment component)
- Integrated payment and improvements in other components
- 11:20 AM 4.00 hours (Task #1277 (New): Creates Search Page Design and API integration)
- 04:26 AM 0.30 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- standup meeting
- 01:53 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1268 (New): Daily Budbux stand up meeting)
- Attending Standup Meeting
- 01:52 AM 6.75 hours (Task #1267 (New): Develop Map component and Payment component)
- Developed Map Component and Payment Component
- 11:03 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1266 (New): Minor Bug fixes)
- 11:02 AM 5.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- integration on super admin rebate detail page
- 03:34 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- integration on super admin rebate detail page
- 03:34 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- integrates api on superadmin feature company
- 01:48 AM 5.50 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of Budbux Map functionality + discussed on the payment feature
- 03:33 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1251 (New): Creates Dynamic Sidebar)
- 01:39 AM 7.02 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of super admin pages + suggested to make improvements in the api
- 11:25 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration on company registration request, company registration, company rebate feature request page
- 03:47 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integrates on super admin dashboard plus coordinating with Buddha on register company page
- 01:47 AM 7.02 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of Budbux register company page + suggested to make improvements in the api and design changes
- 01:45 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Help Priyanka with her task in lattice
- 01:44 AM 4.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of Budbux admin calendar page + suggested to make improvements in the api and design changes
- 02:03 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of Budbux Admin Calendar page + suggested to make improvements in the api and design changes
- 11:10 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1103 (New): Api Integration on Redeem Request page)
- 10:55 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1137 (In Progress): Create react components for budbux super admin pages)
- Created datepicker element in calendar page
- 02:12 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of Budbux create rebate page + suggested to make improvements in the api and design changes
- 11:22 AM 7.00 hours (Task #997 (New): Creates Task analysis page with video, multiple choice question and single choice question section)
- API integration on task analysis page with video, multiple choice question and single choice question section
- 11:11 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1139 (In Progress): Create react components for budbux admin pages)
- Css Fixes
- 03:30 AM 5.00 hours (Task #1139 (In Progress): Create react components for budbux admin pages)
- Fix css issues
- 01:54 AM 7.02 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of Budbux create rebate page + suggested to make improvements in the api and design changes
- 11:23 AM 1.00 hour (Task #1156 (New): Merge Priyank's branch to development)
- 11:22 AM 5.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Help improve the api and integrates api on update and reject redeem request page
- 02:22 AM 7.02 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Help improve the api, update the improvements in the crate rebate page(form) and Integrate with the api.
- 11:24 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1139 (In Progress): Create react components for budbux admin pages)
- Created pages: transaction history, add stores. Fixed design elements of the calendar.
- 09:24 AM 5.00 hours (Task #1138 (New): Update redeem request)
- 04:52 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1137 (In Progress): Create react components for budbux super admin pages)
- Create pages: super calendar, change price, super company
- 01:56 AM 7.01 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Created custom calendar with rebates and integrated in the create rebate form
- 11:25 AM 1.50 hour (Task #1064 (New): Task assignment to developer on xls)
- Creates Frontend progress report(Time required to complete project)
- 11:25 AM 3.50 hours (Task #1103 (New): Api Integration on Redeem Request page)
- 03:49 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1103 (New): Api Integration on Redeem Request page)
- 11:24 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1135 (New): Creates confirmation popup of Redeem request reject)
- 03:48 AM 1.00 hour (Task #1102 (New): Setting budbux project on priyanka's device)
- 03:48 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1093 (New): API integration on rebate detail task result)
- 02:10 AM 7.02 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integrating rebates in dashboard, Redeem Requests and create rebate pages
- 11:03 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1137 (In Progress): Create react components for budbux super admin pages)
- Create pages: super company request, super requests, Registration requests
- 03:09 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integrated Budbux company admin dashboard with api
- 11:27 AM 0.78 hour (Task #1093 (New): API integration on rebate detail task result)
- 11:26 AM 5.23 hours (Task #1076 (New): API integration on rebate detail page)
- 01:01 AM 7.02 hours (Task #1065 (New): Web App integration with api)
- Integration of Budbux dashboard + suggested to make improvements in the api
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