



From 06/11/2019 to 07/10/2019


03:35 AM 6.00 hours (Feature #1410 (New): Find offer design and functionality with filter )
Find offer rebate listing and company listing api integrated with design fixes. Anonymous


04:01 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #1410 (New): Find offer design and functionality with filter )
Find offer design completed Anonymous


03:42 AM 3.00 hours (Feature #1410 (New): Find offer design and functionality with filter )
Find offer design started Anonymous


11:14 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Meeting with whole team. Amir Thapa Magar


11:13 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar


11:03 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:03 AM 3.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar


11:01 AM 3.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar


02:21 PM 3.50 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:21 PM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Meeting Amir Thapa Magar


11:02 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:01 AM 2.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:01 AM 1.00 hour (Task #1361 (Verified): Pagination Issues )
Amir Thapa Magar


02:56 PM 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:55 PM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:55 PM 1.50 hour (Task #1361 (Verified): Pagination Issues )
Amir Thapa Magar
02:54 PM 1.00 hour (Task #1360 (Verified): Add placeholder image for all rebates and company.)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:54 PM 2.00 hours (Bug #1342 (Verified): Cash back amount)
Amir Thapa Magar


10:10 AM 0.25 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar


10:54 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
09:29 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Meeting Amir Thapa Magar
09:37 AM 3.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar


11:03 AM 7.00 hours (Task #1276 (New): Prepare testcases of Budbux)
Daily standup meeting and preparing test cases of budbux Sarina Byanjankar
11:03 AM 3.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:03 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:02 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1282 (Verified): All rebate)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:02 AM 0.67 hour (Task #1289 (Rejected): Terms and conditions, privacy policy added.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:02 AM 0.50 hour (Task #1290 (Rejected): App icons)
Amir Thapa Magar


11:18 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:18 AM 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:17 AM 0.50 hour (Task #1271 (Verified): Coming soon notice in halted features.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:17 AM 0.50 hour (Task #1272 (Verified): Settings >> Remove Notifications toggle)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:17 AM 0.50 hour (Task #1279 (Verified): Unlocked rebate detail)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:17 AM 0.50 hour (Task #1283 (Verified): Featured Deals)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:16 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1282 (Verified): All rebate)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:10 AM 4.50 hours (Task #1276 (New): Prepare testcases of Budbux)
Preparing test cases of budbux Sarina Byanjankar
11:09 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Dailey standup meeting, testing and verifying the updated features Sarina Byanjankar


11:19 AM 5.00 hours (Task #1276 (New): Prepare testcases of Budbux)
Preparing the test cases for budbux Sarina Byanjankar
11:14 AM 3.50 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Daily standup meeting, Redmine issues review, UI and functionality discussion with design and iOS team Rakesh Shrestha
08:40 AM 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
08:40 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
meeting with whole team. Amir Thapa Magar
08:39 AM 1.50 hour (Task #1271 (Verified): Coming soon notice in halted features.)
Amir Thapa Magar
08:38 AM 2.50 hours (Task #1270 (Verified): ALL Rebates design and API integration)
Amir Thapa Magar


11:06 AM 2.50 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
budbux ios fixes testing and finalizing test Sarina Byanjankar
10:47 AM 0.50 hour (Task #1260 (Verified): Hide map and filter features from navigation bar.)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:47 AM 1.00 hour (Task #1259 (Verified): Change Tabbar icons )
Amir Thapa Magar
10:46 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1258 (Verified): Reasons to Reject)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:46 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1257 (Verified): Invalid Referral Code)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:46 AM 0.50 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Meeting with whole team. Amir Thapa Magar
03:19 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1247 (Verified): My Rebates >> Completed)
My Rebates completed text changed to "payout on ..." Anonymous
03:18 AM 1.50 hour (Bug #1246 (Verified): My wallent balance)
Transaction amount and wallet balance displayed in decimal Anonymous
03:18 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1244 (Verified): Profile > My Referral code)
Referral spelling through out the app maintained Anonymous
03:17 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1243 (Verified): Reasons for Rejection)
Table view not scrollable issue resolved Anonymous
03:16 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1242 (Verified): Home >> Saving /unsaving Rebate list)
Design bug when saving and unsaving rebate list fixed Anonymous


11:22 AM 2.50 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Discussion on issues. Pull fixes and verify fixes and overall features functionality testing Rakesh Shrestha
11:18 AM 2.50 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Budbux fixes testing and re-testing design Sarina Byanjankar


02:15 AM 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:14 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1239 (Verified): Header Title >> Account)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:13 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1235 (Verified): Home screen >> Featured)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:13 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1234 (Verified): Rebate lists)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:13 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1233 (Verified): Transaction updates > Referral bonus image)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:13 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1229 (Verified): Forgot Password)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:13 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1227 (Verified): Share an unlocked rebate)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:12 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1226 (Verified): My wallet > transaction updates)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:12 AM 2.00 hours (Task #1224 (Verified): Rejected Rebate)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:12 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1223 (Verified): Share referral code)
Amir Thapa Magar
02:11 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1222 (Verified): Profile > My Referral Code)
Amir Thapa Magar


11:27 AM 3.40 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Forgot password, redeem rebate complete, My wallet features testing, issues discussion and fixes verify Rakesh Shrestha
11:23 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Budbux iOS fixes testing Sarina Byanjankar


11:18 AM 6.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
UI/UX discussion, Refer a buddy on social media platform discussion, fixes verify and overall testing Rakesh Shrestha
11:16 AM 4.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
budbux ios fixes testing Sarina Byanjankar
11:13 AM 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Support to QA, android team & backend Amir Thapa Magar
11:10 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1202 (Verified): Forgot Password)
Design and api integration. Amir Thapa Magar


11:32 AM 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:30 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1182 (Verified): Settings > Separator lines)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:30 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1177 (Verified): Separator line in My walletes)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:30 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1185 (Verified): Edit Profile> Email)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:30 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1198 (Verified): Sign up confirm password placeholders)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:29 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1201 (Verified): Crash on resubmit uploads)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:29 AM 0.75 hour (Bug #1204 (Verified): Transaction updates)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:29 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1205 (Verified): Text on rejected rebate)
Amir Thapa Magar
11:10 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Budbux iOS fixes testing Sarina Byanjankar
03:29 AM 3.00 hours (Task #1129 (New): Edit profile)
Edit profile design changes and integration done Anonymous
03:29 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1179 (Verified): Crash issue on DOB confirmation screen)
Crash issue in DOB Issue resolved Anonymous
03:28 AM 1.50 hour (Bug #1181 (Verified): Scroll in Sign up / sign in)
Scroll issue in sign up and sign in resolved Anonymous


11:11 AM 1.50 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Budbux iOS fixes testing Sarina Byanjankar
10:57 AM 6.50 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Tasks division, discussion on share code feature and implementation, fixes reviews and overall testing Rakesh Shrestha
10:55 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1176 (Verified): Profile > Referral Code)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:55 AM 0.25 hour (Task #1177 (Verified): Separator line in My walletes)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:55 AM 0.50 hour (Task #1188 (Verified): Unfollow company from Accounts Followed)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:54 AM 1.00 hour (Bug #1187 (Verified): Unlock Task)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:54 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1186 (Verified): My Profile )
Amir Thapa Magar
10:54 AM 0.50 hour (Bug #1185 (Verified): Edit Profile> Email)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:54 AM 0.75 hour (Bug #1183 (Verified): Done button after referral code is added or changed)
Amir Thapa Magar
10:53 AM 0.25 hour (Bug #1182 (Verified): Settings > Separator lines)
Amir Thapa Magar
03:52 AM 2.00 hours (Bug #1091 (In Progress): App Crashes on Sign up)
Sign up crash issue when user doesnt accept the location permission resolved Anonymous

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