



From 09/15/2021 to 10/14/2021


07:52 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
worked on scroll to the top button and changed pagination to lazy loading for position listing Atish Maharjan
07:51 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
worked and research on pagination and had DEMO Atish Maharjan
07:51 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
worked on pagination for position listing Atish Maharjan
07:49 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
worked on minor changes and fixes of web apply Atish Maharjan


02:33 AM 8.00 hours (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Researched and fixed Elastic Search Issue. Prajwal Shrestha
02:33 AM 0.50 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Attended DSM Prajwal Shrestha
02:33 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Tried to fix elastic search issue. Prajwal Shrestha
02:32 AM 2.00 hours (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Started working on task to make video room type dynamic. Prajwal Shrestha
02:31 AM 3.00 hours (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Converted hoursBeforeGroupEventToAllowDeletion to minutes. Updated tests. Prajwal Shrestha
02:31 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Attended DSM Prajwal Shrestha


06:39 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Looked into e2e tests to understand a little bit better how it's written. Prajwal Shrestha
06:38 AM 2.00 hours (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Started working on converting hour to minutes for group event delete config. Tests cases remaining. Prajwal Shrestha
06:37 AM 2.00 hours (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Updated API to add position to take isActive attribute for its questions. Updated tests. Prajwal Shrestha
06:37 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Completed adding isActive attribute in specific questions with tests. Prajwal Shrestha
03:17 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Attended DSM Prajwal Shrestha


12:22 PM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
worked on Job Apply responsive design Atish Maharjan
12:22 PM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
Worked on homepage responsive design Atish Maharjan


11:21 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Started task to add isActive in questions. Prajwal Shrestha
11:20 AM 3.00 hours (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Analysed complete flow of E2E tests to locate error source and confirmed that the problem is in elasticsearch. Prajwal Shrestha
11:19 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Attended DSM Prajwal Shrestha
11:19 AM 6.00 hours (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
E2E tests were failing probably due to elastic search. Discussed with Pabin dai and tried various methods to fix it. ... Prajwal Shrestha
11:16 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Helped Atysh dai in testing. Prajwal Shrestha
11:15 AM 1.00 hour (Task #2645 (New): AppyHere: Backend)
Attended DSM Prajwal Shrestha
07:03 AM 8.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
Worked on storage bucket issue (unresolved) and hot fixes for DEMO Atish Maharjan
07:02 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
Reworked on position video player for optimization Atish Maharjan
07:02 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
Added new translations and minor fixes WEB APPLY Atish Maharjan
07:01 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
added test cases for Job Experience and Review Detail steps Atish Maharjan
07:00 AM 7.00 hours (Feature #2659 (Open): Web Apply)
added new question step design where there are no questions and ADD button on review page Atish Maharjan

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