Rakesh Shrestha's activity
From 03/13/2021 to 04/11/2021
- 03:41 AM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Regular DSM, QA on issue fix of polygon persistence and not showing reasons on declining interest check (seeker app) ...
- 02:38 AM Appyhere 5.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Initial testing on showing empty text on searching candidate and viewing booking detail
- 02:36 AM Appyhere 2.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular DSM and prioritization meeting on evening
- 03:06 AM Appyhere 4.50 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Review on issue of push message notification on tap redirection. And bug added on Jira.
- 03:04 AM Appyhere 5.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Testing on not showing list of reasons on declining interest check by seeker and discussion with team on the issue
- 03:01 AM Appyhere 5.50 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- QA on showing dismiss info on Also seen list of candidate on position. Fine but still some further reworks.
- 02:57 AM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Regular dsm, prepare sprint demo doc, and final reviews on app and web part ie calendar implementation for demo
- 02:53 AM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Regular dsm, and further review and testing on calendar implementation and team meeting.
- 02:52 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- QA on text update and design implementation when no candidates are engaged. And initial review on calendar implementa...
- 02:49 AM Appyhere 5.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Did qa on business accounts list sorting on recruiter and showing dismiss info on Also seen of candidate on position
- 02:47 AM Appyhere 4.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Video interview testing and consult with john on the issue that i observed.
- 02:44 AM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Regular DSM, qa with the team on google pay billing library update on purchasing token in both platforms
- 02:41 AM Appyhere 4.50 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Review issue on qa for not being able to add experience on seeker (Some iPhone device specific ) and some discussions
- 02:38 AM Appyhere 5.00 hours (Task #2642 (New): Appyhere QA)
- Review on image upload issue on seeker app (iOS specific) and discussion with the team
- 03:05 AM Appyhere 2.50 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- DSM, sprint planning and meeting with team on sprint close and new sprint start
- 03:02 AM Appyhere 2.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular dsm and sprint tasks status and sprint planning
- 03:00 AM Appyhere 1.50 hour (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular dsm and sprint status and updation meeting
- 02:59 AM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular dsm, added some issues and tasks on calendar implementation on Jira
- 02:56 AM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular dsm, and team meeting on release flow and releasing web and services to beta.
- 02:50 AM Appyhere 1.00 hour (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular dsm and sprint task discussion
- 02:48 AM Appyhere 2.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular dsm and sprint task reviews with the team
- 02:45 AM Appyhere 3.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular dsm, and meeting with manil on overall app flow consulation of both recruiter and seeker
- 02:40 AM Appyhere 2.50 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Regular DSM and discussion with the team on no questions, notes and messages design implementation
- 02:37 AM Appyhere 2.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- DSM, desing issues and updation discussion with rituza
- 02:35 AM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2620 (New): Meetings, Discussion and planning)
- Daily standup, points list for priority session meeting, prepare sprint demo doc and final review, testing for the we...
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