


Suraj Manandhar's activity

From 12/06/2020 to 01/04/2021


11:25 AM Appyhere 4.50 hours (Task #2624 (New): Appyhere Recruiter: WEB)
Adds new tab for notes and works on creating view of listing notes Suraj Manandhar
11:24 AM Appyhere 1.50 hour (Task #2624 (New): Appyhere Recruiter: WEB)
Project Setup on local device Suraj Manandhar


11:21 AM Appyhere 2.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following the code of appyhere Suraj Manandhar
11:20 AM Appyhere 5.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Research and fixes the issue of appyhere web app not loading on IE by showing error message on the page to use other ... Suraj Manandhar


02:29 PM Appyhere 3.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Research on component flow of the project Suraj Manandhar
02:28 PM Appyhere 7.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Attending QA testing and understanding project flow Suraj Manandhar


06:38 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following crash course of typescript on YouTube Suraj Manandhar
06:37 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following crash course of typescript on YouTube Suraj Manandhar
06:37 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Typescript documentation on YouTube Suraj Manandhar
06:37 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Typescript documentation on YouTube Suraj Manandhar
06:36 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Typescript documentation on YouTube Suraj Manandhar
06:36 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following documentation of Easy Peasy and typescript Suraj Manandhar
06:35 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following documentation of Easy Peasy and typescript Suraj Manandhar
06:35 AM Appyhere 6.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following documentation of Easy Peasy and typescript by creating demo project onlocal Suraj Manandhar
06:35 AM Appyhere 5.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following documentation of Easy Peasy as applyhere use easy peasy for data state/store management. Suraj Manandhar
04:28 AM Appyhere 3.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following documentation of Easy peasy as applyhere use easy peasy for data state/store management. Suraj Manandhar
04:28 AM Appyhere 4.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Appyhere project setup plus research on code Suraj Manandhar
04:26 AM Appyhere 1.50 hour (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Appyhere project setup on local Suraj Manandhar
04:26 AM Appyhere 3.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following Appyhere Documentation Suraj Manandhar
04:25 AM Appyhere 1.00 hour (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following Appyhere Documentation Suraj Manandhar
04:25 AM Appyhere 3.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following Appyhere video document Suraj Manandhar
04:24 AM Appyhere 4.00 hours (Task #2613 (New): Appyhere update)
Following Appyhere Documentation Suraj Manandhar

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