



From 06/14/2020 to 07/13/2020


12:41 PM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Android implementation for receiving socket Anonymous
07:13 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Research on Python code for Raspberry Pi to create a socket sever Ashutosh Shrestha
07:12 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Research on Android communicating with Raspberry Pi Ashutosh Shrestha


03:37 PM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Research on raspberry pie and android socket connection for transmitting and receiving data. Anonymous
07:16 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2450 (New): Research)
NSD for android and raspberry pie socket research Anonymous
11:02 AM OpenSeed Web 1.00 hour (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
Fixes issue of not scroll functionality on the pod management page Suraj Manandhar


11:19 AM Grubbrr Android 4.00 hours (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Research on NSD for communicating Raspberry Pi and Android device Ashutosh Shrestha
11:17 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Research on ReSpeaker USB mic compatibility for android Ashutosh Shrestha
03:29 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Research on the response from the Dialog Flow to parse it and convert it to json Ashutosh Shrestha
03:28 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Research on the mic for kiosk whether it is compatible for android or not Ashutosh Shrestha
11:15 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1663 (New): Support)
Create release apk for Head Lettuce Ashutosh Shrestha
03:31 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #2140 (New): API Testing)
Testing the API for head lettuce and overall testing for login and forgot password not working. Ashutosh Shrestha


08:13 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Increased max speech limit and max timeout period and meeting with Grubbrr team for changes made in chat bot. Ashutosh Shrestha
08:12 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.00 hours (Task #1663 (New): Support)
Creating release app for Head Lettuce and Spitfire Ashutosh Shrestha


04:54 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #2450 (New): Research)
Researching on how to send a signal from Raspeberry Pi to an Android Device Ashutosh Shrestha


12:15 PM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Implementing Detect Intent with Input Stream input Ashutosh Shrestha
12:15 PM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Implementing Detect Intent with Input Stream input Ashutosh Shrestha
12:13 PM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Research on Detect Intent With Input Stream Ashutosh Shrestha


07:43 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Dialog flow + Grpc research on github official docs Anonymous
07:42 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Meeting with grubbrr team regarding chatbot implementation. Anonymous
05:02 AM Grubbrr Android 6.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Trying to fix the error of bot not listening after staying idle for too long and research on DetectIntentWithSpeech Ashutosh Shrestha
04:59 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Meeting with Grubbrr team regarding the issue of bot not listening after the first response. Ashutosh Shrestha
04:57 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Researching on the error with chat bot when left idle for too long. Ashutosh Shrestha


05:15 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Issue with library. Anonymous


03:29 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Testing with Grubbrr Team after updating the code for crash issue Ashutosh Shrestha
03:28 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Chat bot GRPC Dialogflow protobuf conflict resolution. Ashutosh Shrestha
03:24 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Going through the crash issue on the Grubbrr side Ashutosh Shrestha
03:19 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Support for chat bot to Grubbrr Team for the new code migrating to Version 2 Ashutosh Shrestha


11:03 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Support - Chat bot GRPC Dialogflow protobuf conflict resolution. Anonymous


11:35 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Migrating from version 1 to 2 for dialog flow Ashutosh Shrestha
06:39 AM Open Seed - Android 2.00 hours (Task #2421 (New): June 15)
Release apk with changes. Anonymous


08:16 AM Grubbrr Android 4.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Migrating from version 1 to 2 for dialog flow Ashutosh Shrestha
08:16 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #1249 (New): Meeting)
Meeting with Grubbrr team regarding new implementation of chat bot and issues in dialog flow for the Grubbrr market Ashutosh Shrestha


04:51 AM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #2421 (New): June 15)
Created multiple versions with changes to artnet wrapper Anonymous
03:28 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Research on Sunmi Tablet. Chat bot not working. Ashutosh Shrestha
03:28 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Cleaning the code and making a separate class for Voice Recorder and Speech to text API for better understanding Ashutosh Shrestha


03:36 AM Grubbrr Android 7.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Implementing Speech to text Api and removing speech recognizer from the flow and Testing Ashutosh Shrestha


10:52 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Support Anonymous
02:50 AM Grubbrr Android 7.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Implemented speech to speech API in the chat bot. Issues with the versioning with protobuf Ashutosh Shrestha
10:51 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #2421 (New): June 15)
Previous version comparions and minor changes. Anonymous
03:43 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Discussed about new payment features. Amir Thapa Magar


11:16 AM Budbux - Web 1.50 hour (Task #818 (New): Time estimation on budbux)
Budbux time estimation plus meeting for payment flow Suraj Manandhar
10:21 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Support, Speech-To-Speech cloud api for android Anonymous
03:12 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Trying detect intent with input stream Ashutosh Shrestha
10:19 AM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #2421 (New): June 15)
Added logger and reverted artnet stack Anonymous
07:31 AM BudBux-Backend 2.20 hours (Task #2425 (Open): Estimation)
Sudeep Shakya


12:46 PM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
Support Anonymous
12:45 PM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #2421 (New): June 15)
Reverted some part of artnet wrapper. previously minified code for clarity. Anonymous

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