From 05/15/2020 to 06/13/2020
- 01:06 PM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Research on Google speech to text api
- 02:59 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Research on Google cloud speech to text API and it's implementation
- 01:04 PM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #1249 (New): Meeting)
- Meeting with Grubbrr Team regarding the new code for chat bot.
- 02:58 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #1249 (New): Meeting)
- Meeting with Grubbrr Team regarding the new code for chat bot.
- 02:58 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Discussions on Light issue on live pod and light script with incorrect format with the team
- 11:16 AM Open Seed - Android 2.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- openseed android pod app light issue testing
- 02:42 AM Grubbrr Android 7.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Implementing Google Cloud Speech to text API.. There an issue in the Library and cannot run the app
- 03:04 AM Grubbrr Android 7.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Implementing and Testing Voice Recorder and speech to text api
- 04:15 PM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #2160 (New): March 30 Update)
- Re build a new build and previous build.
- 02:35 AM Grubbrr Android 6.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Researching on the alternative for speech recognizer.
- 02:33 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #1249 (New): Meeting)
- Meeting with Grubbrr Team and Anabetsy.
- 11:13 AM Open Seed - Android 0.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- openseed pod issue discussion
- 12:50 PM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Bug #2389 (Open): Check out confirmation - Issue in view update)
- Need to change flow
- 02:48 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #1871 (New): Bug Fixes)
- Bug Fixes in Payment Screen and saved cart item to preferences
- 11:44 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.50 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Issue fixes reviews, issues discussions, further overall app testing on removing group feature and apk emailed to Jimmy
- 11:09 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1871 (New): Bug Fixes)
- 02:47 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1871 (New): Bug Fixes)
- Fixing issues in Group Screens
- 02:45 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Meeting about speech recognizer and research on alternative.
- 11:35 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.50 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Meeting with dev on feature and issues discussions and further testing on Add to cart, checkout features of items hav...
- 11:19 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Meeting abount speech recognizer and research on alternative.
- 09:04 AM Grubbrr Android 8.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Testing the bot and fixing the issue where bot listen to itself and keeping speech recognizer alive
- 11:18 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1871 (New): Bug Fixes)
- Issue fixes.
- 11:27 AM Grubbrr Android 7.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Issue fixes and testing.
- 02:02 AM Grubbrr Android 7.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Fixing the issue with chat bot. Device listening to it self.
- 11:25 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Further testing on Checkout, payment, order history features and issues discussions
- 05:46 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Further testing other functionalities (add/delete and assign member to group) and issues discussions
- 02:34 PM Grubbrr Android 7.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Support + Bug fixing
- 03:18 AM Grubbrr Android 5.00 hours (Task #2373 (New): Chat Bot)
- Fixing the issue with chat bot. Device listening to it self.
- 03:15 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #1249 (New): Meeting)
- Meeting with Grubbrr Team regarding the invalid authentication issue
- 11:37 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Testing with qa.
- 11:27 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Thinkculinary initial level of overall flow and functionality testing. Added and assigned some issues on redmine.
- 11:37 AM Grubbrr Android 4.00 hours (Task #1824 (New): Support)
- Issue with sound listener listening to it's own voice comand
- 05:37 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #1249 (New): Meeting)
- Meeting with Paras regarding the chat bot issue in authentication
- 02:21 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1871 (New): Bug Fixes)
- Fixing minor bugs and testing
- 11:04 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Issue fixes and testing.
- 03:11 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Testing the flow of app and checking the total calculation of tax, subtotal and total for an item
- 03:03 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #1249 (New): Meeting)
- Meeting with Jimmy, Anabetsy, and Paras regarding chat bot
- 03:01 AM Grubbrr Android 1.00 hour (Task #1824 (New): Support)
- Testing for custom payload in Chat bot with Anabetsy
- 02:36 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #2348 (New): Testing)
- Going through the app flow and testing the functionalities of the app
- 02:34 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #1824 (New): Support)
- Testing for custom payload in Chat bot with Anabetsy
- 03:26 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #1871 (New): Bug Fixes)
- testing the flow of the app and prices calculations for order, order history screen
- 11:08 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #2039 (New): Checkout Fragment)
- Amount related bug fixes.
- 03:22 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #2241 (New): Item Detail Screen)
- Testing the flow of the app ,merging branch and resolving conflict
- 11:01 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #2241 (New): Item Detail Screen)
- Menu and cart validation.
- 02:19 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #2241 (New): Item Detail Screen)
- Added special comment and quantity for Item Detail Screen
- 12:21 PM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #2241 (New): Item Detail Screen)
- Default item should auto select on load.
- 03:26 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #2039 (New): Checkout Fragment)
- Added features to add order to a group and feature to add special requests to a order.
- 11:13 AM GameLand Africa 6.00 hours (Task #2319 (New): API Implementation)
- Issue fixes and testing.
- 03:16 AM Grubbrr Android 3.00 hours (Task #1824 (New): Support)
- Refactoring code in Chat Bot Code and adding comments and providing code to Grubbrr Team
- 03:13 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #2039 (New): Checkout Fragment)
- Merged the branch and Testing the flow for order..
- 12:19 PM GameLand Africa 7.00 hours (Task #2319 (New): API Implementation)
- login api implementation and project refactoring. Newer dependencies required major app refactoring
- 02:52 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.00 hours (Task #1857 (New): Group )
- Testing the group list, creating group and adding customer in the group.
- 02:50 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #1913 (New): Profile)
- Implemented new design and feature to upload profile picture
- 02:48 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1429 (New): Meeting)
- Meeting with khushboo and team regarding order up api and other menu config
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