


Rakesh Shrestha's activity

From 02/17/2020 to 03/17/2020


11:19 AM Grubbrr Android 0.50 hour (Task #910 (New): Grubbrr - CFD Testing)
Discussion on crash issue on Fanfood apk Rakesh Shrestha


11:05 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #910 (New): Grubbrr - CFD Testing)
New updates (logo and app icon) - FanFood APK testing, support and sent for review Rakesh Shrestha


11:12 AM Open Seed - Android 2.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Audio sync issue and flicker issue consultation and review and apk sent to client Rakesh Shrestha


11:13 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Reviewed surfacely the new test report and analysed and discussed the issue sent Rakesh Shrestha
11:11 AM Budbux - Web 1.50 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Stripe connect flow review and test. Done screen recording of the complete stripe connect and sent to Ana. Rakesh Shrestha


11:16 AM Open Seed - Android 1.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Light flickering issue review in new light script Rakesh Shrestha


11:17 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Discussion and review on light script issue fix. Rakesh Shrestha


11:07 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
New changes hr estimates Rakesh Shrestha


11:11 AM Budbux - Web 2.50 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Issues, new and feature update(from clients email) discussions and support Rakesh Shrestha


11:14 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
One time ad (interstial ad) show on rebate detail review and build sent for approval Rakesh Shrestha
11:13 AM Budbux - Android 2.00 hours (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
One time ad show on rebate detail test Rakesh Shrestha


11:18 AM Budbux - Android 0.50 hour (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
Discussion on one time ad on rebate details Rakesh Shrestha


11:31 AM Budbux - Web 2.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Fixes deploy on live review Rakesh Shrestha
11:27 AM Grubbrr Android 1.50 hour (Task #910 (New): Grubbrr - CFD Testing)
CFD testing support to Jimmy and discussion with the team Rakesh Shrestha

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