



From 02/15/2020 to 03/15/2020


04:08 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Project: Gruburr Backend)
Testing and code merge Jiwan Katuwal
04:08 PM Gruburr Backend 6.00 hours (Project: Gruburr Backend) Jiwan Katuwal
04:07 PM Gruburr Backend 6.00 hours (Project: Gruburr Backend) Jiwan Katuwal
04:07 PM Gruburr Backend 6.00 hours (Project: Gruburr Backend) Jiwan Katuwal
04:06 PM Gruburr Backend 4.00 hours (Project: Gruburr Backend) Jiwan Katuwal


11:05 AM Grubbrr Android 2.00 hours (Task #910 (New): Grubbrr - CFD Testing)
New updates (logo and app icon) - FanFood APK testing, support and sent for review Rakesh Shrestha
10:58 AM Grubbrr Android 1.50 hour (Task #910 (New): Grubbrr - CFD Testing)
fanfood testing Sarina Byanjankar


11:12 AM Open Seed - Android 2.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Audio sync issue and flicker issue consultation and review and apk sent to client Rakesh Shrestha
11:06 AM Open Seed - Android 0.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
openseed pod app testing Sarina Byanjankar
10:44 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
New Issue related to light fixes Anonymous


11:13 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Reviewed surfacely the new test report and analysed and discussed the issue sent Rakesh Shrestha
11:11 AM Budbux - Web 1.50 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Stripe connect flow review and test. Done screen recording of the complete stripe connect and sent to Ana. Rakesh Shrestha


10:14 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #2039 (New): Checkout Fragment)
Getting User information and Validating Credit Card through Ashutosh Shrestha
10:12 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #2039 (New): Checkout Fragment)
Getting User information and Validating Credit Card through Ashutosh Shrestha
10:12 AM Panda Express-Backend 0.50 hour (Task #2023 (In Progress): Meeting with Grubbrr US team.)
Sudeep Shakya


11:16 AM Open Seed - Android 1.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Light flickering issue review in new light script Rakesh Shrestha
11:02 AM Open Seed - Android 6.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
New architecture implementation. Anonymous
05:23 AM Open Seed - Android 5.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
Test issue fixes and testing. Anonymous
07:34 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #2039 (New): Checkout Fragment)
Storing Items in Cart List in Main Activity and Checkout fragment Ashutosh Shrestha
07:20 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #1696 (New): Item Detail Fragment)
Calculating Total Order Price With Attribute and Modifier Included Ashutosh Shrestha
05:25 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1663 (New): Support)
Think Cullinary support - item attribute and modifiers. Anonymous
05:22 AM Panda Express-Android 1.00 hour (Task #2036 (New): CDS Meeting)
Meeting ad discussion regarding CFD order id, pickup and delivery code. Anonymous


11:17 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Discussion and review on light script issue fix. Rakesh Shrestha
06:27 AM Panda Express-Backend 1.00 hour (Task #2023 (In Progress): Meeting with Grubbrr US team.)
Sudeep Shakya


11:13 AM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
Implement direct light script read from CSV file. Anonymous
05:29 AM Panda Express-Backend 0.50 hour (Task #2023 (In Progress): Meeting with Grubbrr US team.)
Sudeep Shakya
05:27 AM Panda Express-Backend 0.50 hour (Task #2023 (In Progress): Meeting with Grubbrr US team.)
Sudeep Shakya
03:52 AM BudBux-Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1935 (Open): Some new modifications)
Sudeep Shakya


11:11 AM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #2016 (New): New Architecture Implementation)
Read continuous light from csv, changed light script format to new one. Anonymous
11:04 AM Budbux - Web 1.50 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
budbux expired rebates testing Sarina Byanjankar
05:22 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1663 (New): Support)
item detail and new designs Anonymous


11:07 AM Budbux - Web 1.50 hour (Task #818 (New): Time estimation on budbux)
Time estimation on new change request by clinet Suraj Manandhar
11:07 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
New changes hr estimates Rakesh Shrestha


11:18 AM Budbux - Web 2.50 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
budbux changes discussion Sarina Byanjankar
11:11 AM Budbux - Web 2.50 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Issues, new and feature update(from clients email) discussions and support Rakesh Shrestha
11:06 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1663 (New): Support)
Item detail support. Anonymous
11:06 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1696 (New): Item Detail Fragment)
Complete item detail design with bottom dialog Anonymous
11:03 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #1499 (New): Designs)
New Design for Checkout and to Add item To Cart Ashutosh Shrestha
11:02 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1538 (New): API Integration)
Integrating new Item List API and configured Expandable RecyclerView with the Item Attributes. Ashutosh Shrestha
11:00 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1538 (New): API Integration)
Integrating New API for Category List and Handling the sub Category with 0 item Count Ashutosh Shrestha
10:59 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.00 hours (Task #1538 (New): API Integration)
Integrating New API for Category List Ashutosh Shrestha


11:24 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1663 (New): Support)
Think culinary item detail support Anonymous
11:08 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #1696 (New): Item Detail Fragment)
add Customization dialog for modifier Anonymous
11:07 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #1499 (New): Designs)
Create different themes for splitfire and lattuce Anonymous


11:07 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1499 (New): Designs)
different design for splitfire and lattuce using flavors Anonymous
10:52 AM ThinkCulinary Web 1.00 hour (Task #1851 (Open): Support)
Support github permission issue - frontend. Anonymous
10:51 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.00 hours (Task #1663 (New): Support)
Support think culinary issues for item detail and sub category. Anonymous
07:52 AM Panda Express-Backend 3.00 hours (Task #1984 (Resolved): API authentication, update order feature and relevant changes.)
Sudeep Shakya
02:52 AM Grubbrr Web 4.00 hours (Task #1392 (Open): Web Work)
Worked in multiple bug fixes + critical bug Aneem Patrabansha
02:51 AM Grubbrr Web 5.00 hours (Task #1392 (Open): Web Work)
Worked in multiple bug fixes + critical bug Aneem Patrabansha
02:51 AM Grubbrr Web 6.00 hours (Task #1392 (Open): Web Work)
Worked in multiple bug fixes + critical bug Aneem Patrabansha
02:50 AM Grubbrr Web 8.00 hours (Task #1392 (Open): Web Work)
Worked in multiple bug fixes + critical bug Aneem Patrabansha
02:50 AM Grubbrr Web 2.00 hours (Task #1392 (Open): Web Work)
Worked in multiple bug fixes + critical bug Aneem Patrabansha


04:32 PM Gruburr Backend 60.00 hours (Project: Gruburr Backend)
Design Development and Deployment from 9-Jan-2020 to 24-Feb-2020 Jiwan Katuwal
11:02 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
budbux one tome ad testing Sarina Byanjankar
11:01 AM Budbux - Android 2.00 hours (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
budbux one time app testing Sarina Byanjankar
05:03 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
Support to QA and backend Amir Thapa Magar


11:14 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
One time ad (interstial ad) show on rebate detail review and build sent for approval Rakesh Shrestha
11:13 AM Budbux - Android 2.00 hours (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
One time ad show on rebate detail test Rakesh Shrestha
11:12 AM Budbux - Web 3.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Fixes issues mentioned by QA Suraj Manandhar
11:07 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
budbux ontime app testing and reporting issue Sarina Byanjankar
11:09 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #1696 (New): Item Detail Fragment)
item detail design with modifier radio button Anonymous
11:06 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #1696 (New): Item Detail Fragment)
Support for Expandable Recycler view and Radio Button selection in Item Modifiers and Attributes Ashutosh Shrestha
11:08 AM Budbux - Android 3.00 hours (Task #617 (New): Rebate Requirement Module)
show ad before loading rebate detail and minor issue solved Anonymous
04:35 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #1746 (New): Research)
Going through the New API for category and Item List Ashutosh Shrestha
04:34 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #1499 (New): Designs)
Configured Profile Fragment to be added to as Navigation Drawer Ashutosh Shrestha
03:35 AM Budbux - iOS 3.00 hours (Task #1976 (Resolved): One time ad feature.)
Feature completed. Amir Thapa Magar


11:18 AM Budbux - Android 0.50 hour (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
Discussion on one time ad on rebate details Rakesh Shrestha
11:16 AM Budbux - Android 1.00 hour (Task #1518 (New): Ad on unlock offer)
Support and discussion for api issues - null pointer exception. Anonymous
11:15 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #1975 (New): Navigation Menu)
Added Toolbar to Main Activity and Navigation Drawer. Removed Toolbar from the fragments Ashutosh Shrestha
11:12 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #799 (New): Bug Fixes)
Test and Implement SimpleFlatMapper for loading CSV - better than OpenCSV and FastCSV Anonymous
11:11 AM Budbux - Android 3.00 hours (Task #617 (New): Rebate Requirement Module)
implement new api of ad view Anonymous
11:09 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
budbux ontime app testing Sarina Byanjankar
05:48 AM BudBux-Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1974 (Resolved): Rebate Ad view feature.)
Sudeep Shakya
03:35 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #839 (New): Discussion with backend, QA and android team.)
Discussed about new feature of admob. Amir Thapa Magar


11:31 AM Budbux - Web 2.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Fixes deploy on live review Rakesh Shrestha
11:01 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
budbux live testing Sarina Byanjankar
11:27 AM Grubbrr Android 1.50 hour (Task #910 (New): Grubbrr - CFD Testing)
CFD testing support to Jimmy and discussion with the team Rakesh Shrestha


11:10 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
budbux fixes testing and live deployment testing Sarina Byanjankar

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