Suraj Manandhar's activity
From 11/12/2019 to 12/11/2019
- 11:11 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Fixes issues listed on QA lists
- 10:58 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Works on adding form validation on create rebate form
- 11:29 AM ThinkCulinary Web 3.00 hours (Task #1851 (Open): Support)
- Research and meeting to fix CORS issue on API call
- 11:25 AM ThinkCulinary Web 4.00 hours (Task #1851 (Open): Support)
- Research to fix CORS issue on API call
- 11:26 AM Budbux - Web 3.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Works on issues listed on XLS
- 11:14 AM ThinkCulinary Web 2.00 hours (Task #1849 (New): Meeting with khushboo and waiting for her response about API)
- Meeting with khushboo and waiting for her response about API
- 03:59 AM ThinkCulinary Web 2.00 hours (Task #1849 (New): Meeting with khushboo and waiting for her response about API)
- Meeting with khushboo and waiting for her response about API
- 03:59 AM ThinkCulinary Web Task #1849 (New): Meeting with khushboo and waiting for her response about API
- 11:13 AM Budbux - Web 5.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Adds feature of auto renew on create rebate page, Creates transition history page on super admin page, adds receipt t...
- 04:01 AM Budbux - Web 5.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Fixes issues listed on XLS and change request of redeem request page
- 11:08 AM Panda Express-Web 4.00 hours (Task #1846 (New): Working on styling dashboard page with order listing)
- Working on styling dashboard page with order listing
- 11:07 AM Panda Express-Web Task #1846 (New): Working on styling dashboard page with order listing
- 11:07 AM Panda Express-Web 3.00 hours (Task #1845 (New): Project setup and working on styling login page)
- Project setup and working on styling login page
- 11:06 AM Panda Express-Web Task #1845 (New): Project setup and working on styling login page
- 07:48 AM Budbux - Web 3.50 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Working on issues mentioned on QA XLS
- 11:16 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Adds Confirmation dialog on deleting store and rebate from admin and superadmin page plus other issues listed on xls
- 11:15 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Fixes issues mentioned on XLS
- 10:46 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Support on issues listed by QA plus research on react-redux
- 09:59 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Working on issues of QA list
- 11:14 AM Budbux - Web 4.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Working issues listed on XLS
- 03:44 AM Budbux - Web 3.00 hours (Task #1754 (New): Fixes issues mentioned on QA XLS)
- Adds feature of slider on IOS rebate detail page.
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