


Rakesh Shrestha's activity

From 09/20/2019 to 10/19/2019


11:13 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Pod and booking apps review and builds sent to client Rakesh Shrestha
11:11 AM Budbux - Web 3.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Superadmin and admin overall reviews on rebate unlock and redeem feature for same user Rakesh Shrestha


11:15 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Discussion on issues and features with backend team Rakesh Shrestha


11:21 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Discussion on Rebate category show on/off in listing Rakesh Shrestha


11:13 AM Budbux - Web 1.50 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Discussion on emails queries on issues and features sent by client Rakesh Shrestha


03:44 AM Budbux - Web 3.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
SuperAdmin company listing discussion and issues on app side on company filters Rakesh Shrestha


11:22 AM OpenSeed Web 1.00 hour (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
Discussion on booking app issues and web analytics test case consulation Rakesh Shrestha
11:21 AM Simpliziti Web 4.00 hours (Task #1416 (New): Simpliziti web - QA)
Discussions and testing on client queries (Stripe connection, Feed) and replied all queries Rakesh Shrestha


10:46 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Discussion and review of store show (on/off) on map added from admin. Rakesh Shrestha


11:18 AM Open Seed - Android 2.50 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Discussion and support on content download (manual and sync) issue on with and without internet connection Rakesh Shrestha
11:15 AM OpenSeed Web 2.00 hours (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
Replied to client queries and discussion on db access, admin sign up, landing page etc Rakesh Shrestha


11:19 AM OpenSeed Web 1.00 hour (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
Discussion and review on experience listing, filters by week, day bug fixes and others Rakesh Shrestha
03:22 AM OpenSeed Web 3.00 hours (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
Discussion, support and testing on analytics (reporting) and user csv upload validaiton Rakesh Shrestha
11:17 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Thorough testing the build from app store Rakesh Shrestha
11:16 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Client's budbux queries discussion and reply Rakesh Shrestha
03:21 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Discussion on light script issue Rakesh Shrestha


11:28 AM OpenSeed Web 3.00 hours (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
Reporting (Analytics) discussion on track session and count from app side Rakesh Shrestha
11:24 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Location permission remove from app lauch test for release to store Rakesh Shrestha


10:59 AM Budbux - iOS 5.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
Release issue discussion and reverify for further submission to store Rakesh Shrestha


11:15 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
APK review and sent to client after booking notification test Rakesh Shrestha
11:14 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
Booking notification reverify and sent install link Rakesh Shrestha


11:10 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
Lights control issue from lightscript issue discussion. Rakesh Shrestha
11:06 AM Budbux - Web 2.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
Admin role issue in db verify and testing further and apple review support Rakesh Shrestha

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