From 08/19/2019 to 09/17/2019
- 11:11 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- notification bug fixing and testing
- 11:04 AM OpenSeed Web 4.00 hours (Feature #1687 (New): Adds new Feature of analytics)
- Integrating API for new features of analytics page
- 04:46 AM OpenSeed Web 3.00 hours (Feature #1687 (New): Adds new Feature of analytics)
- Implements static heatmap chart on analytics page
- 11:02 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1696 (New): Item Detail Fragment)
- Think Culinary Item Detail Fragment Integration
- 04:42 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.63 hours (Task #1696 (New): Item Detail Fragment)
- Think Culinary Item Detail Fragment Integration
- 10:57 AM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- openseed notification verified on release apk , reported issues and fixes tested
- 10:49 AM Open Seed - Android 1.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Review and final verification for booking push and apks emailed to client for further review
- 10:53 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to client and QA.
- 10:45 AM Budbux - iOS 2.50 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- Discussion on appstore release reject, company and rebate create issue and sent for approval further
- 10:40 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 2.50 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Added css properties for expertise single page
- 04:49 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 5.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Added expertise single pages
- 10:33 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 7.00 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- 10:27 AM Open Seed - Android 2.35 hours (Task #1338 (New): Support)
- Open Seed Notification Fix
- 04:24 AM Open Seed - Android 4.82 hours (Task #1338 (New): Support)
- Open Seed Notification Fix
- 04:25 AM Open Seed - Android 3.50 hours (Task #909 (Open): Notification Module)
- Open Seed Multi Language Change (Android + Web support)
- 03:33 AM Open Seed - iOS 2.50 hours (Task #935 (Open): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to QA and backend. Some issue related to multiiple login from same device was found.
- 03:31 AM Open Seed - iOS 0.50 hour (Task #1693 (New): Change Title to OpenSeed")
- Changed app names
- 11:38 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 8.60 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- 11:12 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Review on booking notificaiton, privacy policy flag issue, and language toggle & redirect on track finish (on pod app)
- 10:55 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Openseed booking app push notification verification
- 11:10 AM Open Seed - iOS 2.50 hours (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- Discussion and final review on booking app push notification
- 10:54 AM Open Seed - iOS 2.50 hours (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- Openseed booking app push notification verificatio and reported some issues and tested fixes.
- 11:08 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- notification support and testing
- 10:56 AM Budbux - iOS 0.50 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- budbux discussion rebate list discussion
- 06:25 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Project: Budbux - iOS)
- New build uploaded to appstore
- 06:24 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #954 (Open): Certificate and Release management)
- Minor changes and build link created
- 06:00 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 5.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Polished product single page designs
- 11:30 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 7.00 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- SQL query.
- 11:29 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.50 hour (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- Final review for notification alert and text updates for release
- 11:06 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.50 hour (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- Openseed fixes in app name
- 11:28 AM Open Seed - Android 1.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Language toggle final review and apk sent to client
- 11:08 AM Open Seed - Android 3.50 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Openseed push notification tested and reported issue in it.
- 11:27 AM OpenSeed Web 1.50 hour (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
- User csv upload and validation issue discussion and review
- 11:16 AM Open Seed - iOS 0.50 hour (Task #935 (Open): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to QA and web team. for Budbux redesign
- 11:15 AM Open Seed - iOS 0.50 hour (Task #1693 (New): Change Title to OpenSeed")
- Changed Title
- 11:15 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- notification testing and bug fixing
- 04:00 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- Notification handel and integration
- 11:08 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Item Database Integration
- 11:06 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 1.00 hour (Task #1429 (New): Meeting)
- Call with Khusboo about Item Detail Modifiers and Attributes
- 07:36 AM Open Seed - Android 1.83 hour (Task #990 (New): App Release)
- Open Seed Release
- 04:24 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.00 hours (Task #1538 (New): API Integration)
- Think Culinary Group API Analysis and Integration
- 03:36 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Added product pages
- 11:09 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 7.00 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- 11:09 AM OpenSeed Web 1.62 hour (Feature #1687 (New): Adds new Feature of analytics)
- R&D of heatmap chart for analytics page of reporting page
- 11:08 AM OpenSeed Web 3.82 hours (Feature #1687 (New): Adds new Feature of analytics)
- Designing analytics page of reporting page
- 11:08 AM Budbux - Web 1.60 hour (Task #1673 (New): Designing rebate detail page for ios device)
- Adds features of save and unsave functionality on rebate detail page for IOS
- 11:06 AM Open Seed - Android 7.23 hours (Task #1415 (New): Multi Language)
- Open Seed Langauge Toggle (Move to dashboard)
- 11:06 AM Open Seed - Android 2.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- POD App: Update discussion on Language toggle in welcome screen and testing
- 11:04 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.50 hour (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- Final review for booking notification and text change verify
- 11:03 AM Budbux - iOS 1.50 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- Final review and support for release to store
- 11:00 AM Budbux - iOS 1.50 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- verified fixes from yesterday .
- 11:02 AM Open Seed Design 1.00 hour (Task #730 (Open): Design)
- support for analytics
- 10:38 AM Budbux - iOS 1.50 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to QA and web team. for Budbux redesign
- 10:37 AM Budbux - iOS 0.50 hour (Bug #1689 (Verified): Rebate detail > add rebate in wishlist )
- Budbux redesigned, bugfixed.
- 10:37 AM Budbux - iOS 1.50 hour (Bug #1690 (Verified): Dash board)
- Budbux redesigned, bugfixed.
- 03:19 AM Open Seed - iOS 5.00 hours (Task #1684 (New): Push Notification functionality for reminder of booking)
- Push notification custom sound research and implemented
- 01:30 PM Budbux - iOS 0.50 hour (Bug #1689 (Verified): Rebate detail > add rebate in wishlist )
- Budbux redesign bugfixed.
- 01:30 PM Budbux - iOS 0.50 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to QA
- 01:29 PM Budbux - iOS 1.50 hour (Bug #1688 (Verified): My Rebates > Expired Rebates)
- Budbux redesign bugfixed
- 11:36 AM Open Seed - Android 3.50 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Push notification test with sample track and issue discussion on no push
- 11:35 AM Open Seed - iOS 3.50 hours (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- Push notification test on booking and discussion on issues
- 11:11 AM OpenSeed Web 6.00 hours (Feature #1687 (New): Adds new Feature of analytics)
- Designing analytics part of reporting page
- 03:56 AM OpenSeed Web 2.95 hours (Feature #1687 (New): Adds new Feature of analytics)
- Starts design of analytics of openseed
- 11:06 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 7.00 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- 10:59 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 6.67 hours (Task #1538 (New): API Integration)
- Think Culinary Order API Integration
- 03:49 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 6.00 hours (Task #1538 (New): API Integration)
- Think Culinary Group API Analysis and Integration
- 10:56 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Added product page template and added page for sirona
- 10:51 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- notification test
- 06:41 AM Budbux - iOS 3.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- budbux , verified new changes and reported issues in redmine
- 05:12 AM Open Seed - Android 2.32 hours (Task #1338 (New): Support)
- Open Seed Support
- 04:57 AM Open Seed - iOS 3.00 hours (Task #1684 (New): Push Notification functionality for reminder of booking)
- Push notification issue for ios 12 resolved.
- 11:00 AM Budbux - iOS 1.50 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- iOS changes discussion and final review.
- 10:48 AM Budbux - iOS 4.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- budbux , verified new changes and tested thoroughly.
- 10:59 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- Discussion on PN on pod booking
- 10:56 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Created service pages
- 10:56 AM OpenSeed Web 1.50 hour (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
- Live site down review and verify. Test APK test and emailed.
- 10:55 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- Notification implementation and functionality
- 10:53 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 2.83 hours (Task #1686 (Open): Update device token API.)
- 10:52 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 0.67 hour (Task #1685 (Open): Bug fixes.)
- 10:51 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 3.00 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- 04:31 AM Open Seed - iOS 4.00 hours (Task #1684 (New): Push Notification functionality for reminder of booking)
- Push notification handling done and ready for testing.
- 04:30 AM Open Seed - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1684 (New): Push Notification functionality for reminder of booking)
- Certificate created from developer account and sent to server and used for iOS
- 04:13 AM Open Seed - Android 2.32 hours (Task #1338 (New): Support)
- Open Seed Support
- 03:58 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1677 (Verified): Redesign screens with rebate products.)
- Bugfixes.
- 03:58 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to Web and QA
- 03:47 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 6.00 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Item Database Integration
- 11:19 AM Budbux - Web 1.93 hour (Task #1673 (New): Designing rebate detail page for ios device)
- Fixes issue of no loading correct rebate on web for ios device
- 11:18 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- Budbux issue on new changes tested
- 11:18 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- push notification integration
- 11:13 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Pod app -> Language toggl final review and apk forwarded and discussion
- 11:12 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 7.00 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- 04:12 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 6.00 hours (Task #1682 (In Progress): Analytics)
- 11:04 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Created service pages
- 11:04 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Designed template for service page
- 04:13 AM BudBux-Backend 1.00 hour (Task #1683 (Open): Deployment with fixes.)
- 04:12 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 6.30 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Item Database Integration
- 11:35 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1673 (New): Designing rebate detail page for ios device)
- Working on issues of not loading correct rebate detail on web view
- 11:22 AM Budbux - Web 2.60 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- Rebate details web redirect verify with iOS and web team
- 11:21 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Language selection review in settings and track play count testing from database
- 11:11 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- support and notification research
- 03:43 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- research on prior notification for booking date and time
- 10:24 AM Budbux - iOS 5.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Debugging issues on web and Support to Web team.
- 03:55 AM Budbux - iOS 2.50 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to web and discussion with design team.
- 10:23 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1679 (Verified): Hide rebate search.)
- Rebate search removed.
- 07:04 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.00 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Item Database Integration
- 04:10 AM Budbux - iOS 7.00 hours (Task #1677 (Verified): Redesign screens with rebate products.)
- Screen redesign for Find offer, My Rebates, Saved rebates, Unlock offer and unlock task.
- 03:53 AM Budbux - iOS 4.50 hours (Task #1677 (Verified): Redesign screens with rebate products.)
- Directed rebate details in web and handled.
- 11:15 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- openseed pod app new feature testing(multi language)
- 11:13 AM Open Seed - Android 3.12 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Open Seed Test Support
- 11:12 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 4.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Added css properties for other pages
- 11:10 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 3.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Created high fidelity mockup for clinical study supply chain app
- 11:10 AM Open Seed - Android 6.47 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- Open Seed Hit count and Changed Language Selection
- 11:08 AM Budbux - Web 7.00 hours (Task #1673 (New): Designing rebate detail page for ios device)
- Api integration on rebate detail for IOS device
- 07:15 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.65 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Category and Category List Database Integration
- 07:15 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.68 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Item Database Integration
- 04:11 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Meeting and discussion on redesigns.
- 04:11 AM Budbux - iOS 4.00 hours (Task #1677 (Verified): Redesign screens with rebate products.)
- Screens redesign
- 11:19 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 2.45 hours (Task #1676 (Open): List categories for pods.)
- 11:19 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 2.35 hours (Task #1675 (Open): Pod experience modifications.)
- 11:18 AM BudBux-Backend 2.22 hours (Task #1674 (Open): Modifications for iOS fixes.)
- 11:13 AM Budbux - Web 4.65 hours (Task #1673 (New): Designing rebate detail page for ios device)
- Designing rebate detail page for ios device
- 11:07 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Created high fidelity mockups for sirona and trackcar
- 10:58 AM ThinkCulinary Web 5.00 hours (Task #1602 (Open): Web Design for head lettuce and spitfire taco)
- Responsive design
- 04:23 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Category and Category List Database Integration and Group API analysis
- 02:42 PM Gruburr Backend 1.00 hour (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- Deployed and Tested the functionality in dev
- 02:39 PM Gruburr Backend 1.00 hour (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 02:39 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 02:37 PM Gruburr Backend 1.00 hour (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 11:07 AM Open Seed - Android 4.50 hours (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- research on prior notification for booking date and time
- 11:00 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 1.50 hour (Task #1671 (New): Openseed Backend QA)
- Backend development for Team Bios and Social medias integration on web
- 10:54 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 6.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Added expertise section with particle effect,
- 10:37 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 3.60 hours (Task #1670 (Open): Pod track data collection.)
- 09:41 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.50 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Category and Category List Database Integration and Group API analysis
- 04:47 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #913 (Open): Discussion with backend, android and iOS team.)
- discussion regarding notifications, lightning and analytics
- 03:42 AM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Review on goodwill share link and other queries from client and replied in email
- 06:06 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- Hosting application in dev environment in azure
- 04:01 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- Testing of my all completed task reverted back to me
- 04:00 PM Gruburr Backend 1.00 hour (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:59 PM Gruburr Backend 1.00 hour (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:58 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:57 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:56 PM Gruburr Backend 4.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:55 PM Gruburr Backend 4.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- Data setup and migration from stage server to local
- 03:54 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- Conference call with Rajni
- 03:53 PM Gruburr Backend 5.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- Project setup
- 03:52 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:52 PM Gruburr Backend 2.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:51 PM Gruburr Backend 4.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:51 PM Gruburr Backend 4.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:50 PM Gruburr Backend 4.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:49 PM Gruburr Backend 6.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:48 PM Gruburr Backend 5.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:47 PM Gruburr Backend 5.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:47 PM Gruburr Backend 4.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:45 PM Gruburr Backend 5.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:43 PM Gruburr Backend 5.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:43 PM Gruburr Backend 5.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:41 PM Gruburr Backend 5.00 hours (Task #1393 (Open): Backend Work)
- 03:42 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 7.00 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Category and Category List Database Integration and Group API analysis
- 11:26 AM Budbux - Android 1.00 hour (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
- Budbux feature rebates & Company discuss
- 11:14 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Added solutions section, Fixed menu dropdown issues
- 10:34 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.17 hours (Task #1663 (New): Support)
- Think Culinary Database Support
- 05:31 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #1662 (Open): Meeting)
- Discussion about new features with whole team.
- 11:08 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 7.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Created wireframes for Clinical supply chain app and Cell tracking app screens
- 11:12 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 4.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Research on blockchain-based tracking softwares and clinical supply chain management softwares
- 11:07 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 3.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Created wireframe for Sirona app screen to display on the website
- 03:45 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 5.05 hours (Task #1498 (New): Project Setup)
- Migrating Think Culinary from Android Supprot to AndroidX
- 03:44 AM Open Seed - Android 1.17 hour (Task #990 (New): App Release)
- Open Seed Booking app Release
- 11:11 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 3.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Researched blockchain based clinical products
- 11:08 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 4.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Fixed issues with mega menu
- 03:55 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 3.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Worked on mega menu
- 11:00 AM Budbux - Web 1.33 hour (Task #1657 (New): Works on issues of budbux feature company, feature rebate and feature request list)
- Works on issues of budbux feature company, feature rebate and feature request list
- 10:56 AM Simpliziti Web 1.50 hour (Task #1416 (New): Simpliziti web - QA)
- Issue discussion on branch io issue and link redirection
- 10:56 AM Budbux - Web 4.00 hours (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- Budbux web super admin and admin test and updated test case document and added some issues on redmine.
- 10:52 AM Budbux - Web 1.00 hour (Task #1040 (New): Budbux QA)
- Superadmin issues discussion on edit/delete admin
- 10:54 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Discussion on analytics, new features on pod app
- 10:43 AM BudBux-Backend 7.00 hours (Task #1432 (In Progress): Support and some fixes.)
- 10:42 AM Open Seed - Android 1.83 hour (Task #736 (New): Open Seed Booking App)
- Open Seed Booking Release
- 10:33 AM Budbux - Android 3.00 hours (Task #1543 (New): Bug Fixes)
- bug fixes
- 04:00 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 2.10 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Category and Category List Database Integration
- 03:35 AM Budbux - iOS 0.50 hour (Task #1652 (Verified): Change positions of text fields in sign up page.)
- 03:34 AM Budbux - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Meeting and discussion related to new flow.
- 11:11 AM OpenSeed Web 3.00 hours (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
- Review and verify the fixes on Test and deploy to Live server
- 11:06 AM Open Seed - Android 7.00 hours (Task #1338 (New): Support)
- support in features
- 11:03 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- openseed terms and conditions testing in new apk
- 04:19 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 3.00 hours (Task #1464 (Open): Website Development)
- Rearranged menus, added mega menu dropdown and styling
- 11:23 AM Budbux - Android 1.83 hour (Task #1552 (New): Release Management)
- Budbux Release
- 11:22 AM Open Seed - Android 1.33 hour (Task #371 (Open): Research & Dev)
- Open Seed Issue Support
- 11:20 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 1.60 hour (Task #1010 (In Progress): Support and some fixes.)
- 11:16 AM Open Seed - Android 1.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- openseed andriod terms and conditions testing
- 11:11 AM Open Seed - Android 6.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- POD: Japanese language content download issue review and discussion. Booking: Checking check box of T&Cs on first log...
- 03:46 AM Open Seed - Android 6.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Review and testing pod level japanese and english language content download and implementation
- 11:15 AM Open Seed - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- openseed terms and conditions testing
- 11:13 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #1061 (New): Budbux iOS QA)
- PNs on live fixes and review
- 11:12 AM OpenSeed Web 4.57 hours (Task #798 (New): Fixes issue mentioned by QA)
- Fixes issues listed on redmine
- 11:12 AM Open Seed - Android 4.00 hours (Task #1630 (New): Openseed Terms and Conditions)
- the users accept the terms and conditions on first download/login.
- 11:08 AM Open Seed - iOS 3.00 hours (Task #935 (Open): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to android and QA
- 11:08 AM Open Seed - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1628 (Resolved): Openseed Terms and Conditions)
- 11:02 AM Budbux - Android 3.00 hours (Task #1543 (New): Bug Fixes)
- bug fixes
- 12:16 PM Budbux - Android 2.22 hours (Task #1543 (New): Bug Fixes)
- Budbux Notification Support
- 12:12 PM Budbux - Android 7.00 hours (Task #1543 (New): Bug Fixes)
- push notification testing and bug fixing
- 05:03 AM Budbux - Android 7.00 hours (Task #1543 (New): Bug Fixes)
- push notification integration and testing
- 12:14 PM Open Seed - Android 2.22 hours (Task #990 (New): App Release)
- Open Seed Release
- 12:13 PM Open Seed - iOS 0.75 hour (Task #952 (New): Openseed iOS QA Testing)
- openseed bookin terms and conditions
- 11:29 AM Budbux - Android 4.00 hours (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
- budbux testing
- 10:36 AM Budbux - iOS 3.00 hours (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support to QA and android team fro Admob integration and other issues.
- 04:25 AM OpenSeed Web 2.00 hours (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
- Company wise pod filter review, other issues tracked on redmine and further testing
- 04:24 AM Open Seed - Android 3.00 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Fixes review for Category hide for no experience added and discussion on other issues
- 11:32 AM Open Seed - Android 0.50 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- openseed booking app testing (terms and conditions)
- 04:26 AM Open Seed - Android 1.00 hour (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Elo pod Japanese content update and review.
- 11:24 AM Budbux - Android 3.00 hours (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
- Budbux push notification testing
- 11:20 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 2.00 hours (Task #837 (Open): Some fixes.)
- 11:16 AM Open Seed - iOS 2.00 hours (Task #1628 (Resolved): Openseed Terms and Conditions)
- Bugfixes.
- 11:07 AM GameLand Africa 2.20 hours (Task #1572 (New): Release Management)
- Gametrove Africa Gozomo Test
- 11:06 AM Open Seed - Android 2.18 hours (Task #990 (New): App Release)
- Open Seed Release
- 06:29 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 2.10 hours (Task #1631 (Resolved): Openseed Terms and Conditions)
- 04:24 AM OpenSeed Web 2.50 hours (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
- web: Issue fixes review and deploy to test and live
- 03:44 AM OpenSeed Web 1.68 hour (Task #796 (New): Openseed Web QA Testing)
- Retrieve company wise pod, and fixes issue of experience listing on pod
- 03:42 AM Budbux - Web 2.40 hours (Task #1575 (New): Integrates API on Admin Calendar)
- Works on issue of calendar when there is no featured price on admin and super admin Budbux
- 03:35 AM Budbux - Web 3.90 hours (Task #1308 (New): Bug Fixes mentioned by QA)
- 11:14 AM Open Seed - JavaBackend 4.00 hours (Task #1564 (In Progress): Pod Experience and country feature.)
- 10:58 AM Open Seed - Android 2.47 hours (Task #1415 (New): Multi Language)
- Open Seed Language changes
- 10:57 AM Budbux - Android 7.00 hours (Task #1543 (New): Bug Fixes)
- bug fixes
- 04:00 AM Budbux - Android 3.00 hours (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
- Review, discussion on PN test on live, location permission on app usage verify
- 03:59 AM Open Seed - Android 2.50 hours (Task #800 (New): Openseed Android QA Testing)
- Email review, discussion on japnanese language pod content for pod app
- 03:54 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 4.38 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Category and Category List Database Integration
- 11:10 AM Budbux - Android 4.00 hours (Task #745 (Open): Budbux QA Testing)
- budbux location permission test and reporting issues.and prepared to test on live
- 11:06 AM EeposIT Corporate Website 5.00 hours (Task #1553 (Open): Sirona)
- Logo Design
- 10:58 AM Budbux - iOS 1.00 hour (Task #840 (New): Support to backend, QA and android team.)
- Support
- 05:27 AM ThinkCulinary-Android 3.00 hours (Task #1608 (New): Database Integration)
- Think Culinary Category and Category List Database Integration
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